Pest control sector news and updates

07 October 2020

ICUP 2021 conference postponed

With much regret, the organising and executive committees of the International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) have decided to postpone the 10th ICUP Conference.

ICUP 2021 postponed due to Covid 19

This had earlier been rescheduled to September 2021 in Barcelona, Spain. The intention is still to hold the next ICUP in Barcelona, but it is not possible yet to propose an alternative date.

This postponement is based on the continued spread and impact of the Covid-19 virus.

The health risks to ICUP delegates together with the continuing uncertainty and disruption, effectively prevent the planning and organisation of a successful international conference.

These are unprecedented and challenging times. We will be in contact again as soon as we have more positive information. In the meantime, we value the support of the ICUP community during this response to the unprecedented global situation. We wish you all well in these challenging times.

Dr Rubén Bueno, chairman of the ICUP organising committee
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