Last month 3,000 industry professionals from all across the globe arrived in Baltimore, Maryland otherwise known as the ‘Charm City’, for PestWorld 2017.
The event is the world’s largest exhibition for pest management professionals and was run over three days (24 – 27 October).
Attending the event with Pelsis Group, BPCA President Tom Holmes said,
“PestWorld is a huge event. Along with the show itself, there is a real emphasis on a full and diverse seminar programme.
"The event provides plenty of opportunity for commercial and Industry meetings, running alongside the exhibition, with a large number of both US-based and international visitors.
“The show is, of course, a great forum for M&D companies to release new products onto the market, (of which there was a number shown), while providing a valuable experience for the full range of Industry professionals, whatever your job title.
"Which I guess has a number of parallels with PestEx, just on a slightly larger scale.’
PestWorld Highlights
Value of pest control
The National Pest Management Association (NPMA), who host PestWorld, opened the event with a video that illustrates the important role pest control plays in protecting public health and property. The video was an updated version of their ‘pride in professionalism’ video created 15 years ago, a key aim of the Association is to demonstrate public health leadership to US society.
Awards and honourable speakers
Just like PestEx, PestWorld hosts an Award Ceremony at which the greatest from the industry were recognised for their achievements, including a family run business in Chicago ‘Rose Pest Solutions’ receiving the pinnacle award.
Guest speakers also appeared in the form of Doc Hendley, a bartending musician who raise money and awareness to provide water for impoverished areas of the world, most commonly listed in UN ‘no go’ zones.
Kirk Lippold, a retired U.S. Navy commander also spoke, giving advice to leaders on how to act and remain calm in crisis situations.
And not forgetting...
Other developments included Service Pro, the people behind Servsuite, unveiling a route optimization module to its portfolio, allowing companies to create the most efficient or economical routes possible.
Pelsis also launched it’s first rodent station to incorporate their Project Neo™ technology, which targets the neophobic behaviour of rats to entice them into the rodent station promptly.
PestWorld will move to Orlando, Florida in 2018, and be held at the world famous Walt Disney World.
Ben Massey
Marketing and Communications Manager
7 November 2017 | BPCA Online