BPCA has designed a slide deck for member companies to use, to help educate the general public about the vital role that all pest professionals play in protecting public health.

Members told BPCA that they'd like to be able to talk up the sector, but they need the resources to be able to do it.
We've designed these slides that they can take to their local networking meetings, schools and other public meetings, giving them the power to talk about themselves and the industry.
The presentation includes key facts, as well explaining why pests have to be controlled.
The slides can be personalised, you can add your own logos and business name, and you can remove any slides you don't want to talk through or aren't relevant to you.
And if you feel confident enough to add your own slides, anecdotes and information, do it! This presentation is adaptable and members are encouraged to include their own expertise and knowledge areas if they are missing from the template.
You can download the template at (login required).
If you're a BPCA member and you have an idea for a template, code, document or anything else that might help members, let us know!