Pest control sector news and updates

30 September 2016

New TAS auditor approved by CEPA

Andy Burton, Trade Association Services new auditor has today been approved by CEPA.

Trade Association Services (TAS) who work with Bureau Veritas to deliver UK CEPA Certification has recently been forced to increase its auditing resource such has been the demand for EN16636 CEPA Certification, with the recruitment of Andy Burton. 

Andy joins the team from Rentokil and takes up responsibility for auditing pest control companies in more northern regions of the UK. Andy’s thorough working knowledge of pest control and excellent interpersonal skills, mean the TAS team believe he is going to be a great asset to the CEPA process.

Talking about what he values about CEPA, Andy said, 

“The audit involves the entire structure of a company and makes sure everything from its working practices and training to its ethos and values are correctly aligned."

“For clients, CEPA sends out a strong message. It gives them peace of mind that the job will be delivered professionally and to a quality standard."

Andy joined the team earlier in September but is now approved to carry out CEPA audits following a thorough review process, Bureau Veritas have to have all auditors approved by CEPA. A panel conducts this process within CEPA and all of the members have to approve candidates before they can audit to the standard.

Jessica Morgan, CEPA Product Manager at Bureau Veritas said,

"Andy has also completed all stages of the Bureau Veritas induction programme and meets the scheme competency requirements for third-party auditing. Andy will be representing Bureau Veritas as a Lead Auditor conducting independent compliance audits for the CEPA Certified scheme. We are pleased to welcome him onto the scheme and into our audit team."

Dee Ward-Thompson said, 

"More and more members are enquiring about CEPA Certification which is great, but TAS needed to keep up with demand. Now that Andy is CEPA approved, we expect the number of BPCA members who are CEPA Certified to kick on even more."

The CEPA Certified scheme was first released by the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA) in March, 2015.

It defines quality and best practice and acts as an assurance that member companies are fully qualified to deal with all species of both rodents and insects and experts on integrated pest management, the use of chemicals and health and safety issues.

All members who would like to learn more about EN16636 and CEPA Certification can do so on the BPCA website, or at an upcoming CEPA roadshow. The next two Roadshows are for the South East (Essex) on 23 November and for the North West (Kirkby) 13 December.


Trade Association Services
EN16636 CEPA Certification
CEPA Roadshows

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