Pest control sector news and updates

12 July 2022

Programme for PestWorld 2022 announced


The full programme, details of exhibitors and registration information for PestWorld 2022 is now available.


Where: John B Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts, USA
When: 11-14 October 2022. 

Organised by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), the event is going to be a very busy four days, with a whole host of conference sessions to choose from plus the exhibition to attend.

For most international delegates, after a gap of two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there is going to be a real buzz as friends and colleagues once again catch up with one another, along with all those new networking opportunities.

For many, this is the heart of a PestWorld event.

The event kicks off with a bang at the opening ceremony on Tuesday afternoon with an appearance of the Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipe and Drums followed by the opening of the exhibition.

Over the next three days there will be a whole host of concurrent technical sessions covering virtually every technical topic likely to be encountered by a professional pest controller.

In addition, there are management orientated sessions designed to strengthen company commercial and marketing strategies.

At the centre of any PestWorld lies the exhibition.

Already sold out, more than 200 leading vendors will showcase their latest products and services, launch new products, explain current techniques and demonstrate solutions to benefit small, mid-sized and large pest management companies, as well as government employees and university researchers.

For international delegates, Orkin is once again sponsoring the international reception on Wednesday night. This is a great place to catch up with all those from overseas.

And, if time permits, there are optional tours of Boston including a visit to the home of the famous baseball team, the Boston Red Sox, at Fenway Park.

“PestWorld 2022 brings together individuals from every facet of pest management to share tactical knowledge, hear different perspectives on business trends, learn from the latest technical research and form strong relationships,” said Dominique Stumpf, CAE, NPMA’s Chief Executive Officer.

“We are particularly looking forward to once again greeting our international colleagues at PestWorld 2022.”

Full details regarding registration and hotels offering PestWorld discounts are on the PestWorld 2022 website.

There is a special discounted rate for international delegates, as well as an early bird registration that runs until 14 September 2022.

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