Pest control sector news and updates

19 July 2021

Safe working for pest professionals after lockdown

From today (19 July) nearly all Covid-19 restrictions in parts of the UK are at an end. 

However the virus hasn't left us yet, so the government is urging people to remain cautious and sensible, including in the workplace. 


What has changed? 

Big changes to Covid-19 restrictions have been made in both England and Scotland, while Wales relaxed some rules on 17 July.

Northern Ireland is set to ease rules on 26 July.

In England, the main changes which will affect how pest professionals carry out there jobs, are:

  • There are now no limits on how many people can meet and the social distancing guidance has been removed, except in hospitals
  • Face coverings no longer required by law, although the government still "expects and recommends" them in crowded and enclosed spaces.

Meawhile, people working from home will be encouraged to return to the workplace gradually.

In Scotland, face coverings are still mandatory but more people can now meet indoors. However social distancing guidance has shifted to be 1m apart in indoor public places. 

People are also being advised to continue working from home where possible. 

In Wales, up to six people can meet indoors in private homes but face coverings will continue to be required in most indoor public places.

Restrictions will be eased in Northern Ireland on 26 July, if approved at a review on 22 July.

Changes include 10 people from three households able to meet inside a private home and social distancing reduced to 1m indoors, removed altogether outdoors.

Working safely in pest management

Although restrictions are relaxing, the virus is still very much here and caution is urged wherever possible.

If you are an employer, you still have a legal responsibility to manage any risks to your employees and clients. 

Here are some things you can continue to do: 

As 1 in 3 people with Covid-19 do not show any symptoms, it is recommended that you supply Lateral Flow Test (LFT) kits to employees. This can help reduce the spread of Covid-19 by picking up the positive cases that may go unnoticed and then following self-isolation procedures.

As well as the person testing positive, any close contact of that person will still have to follow the self-isolation procedures so keeping social distancing control measures in place would be a good idea, if possible.

You can still find plenty of advice and information on our Covid-19 advice page, including our Covid-19 secure guidance.

Covid-19 advice for pest pros

BPCA members can also download a risk assessment template in our Member area (login required).

Mental health and lockdown lifting anxiety

The entire pandemic has had a profound impact on many people's mental wellbeing.

Some people are suffering anxiety around the lifting of lockdown restrictions, having worked from home or shielded for many months with very little contact. Others who had Covid-19 and are recovering are suffering with PTSD or anxiety. 

There are plenty of resources available to you if you're struggling -you're not alone. The NHS has advice on what to do if you're anxious now that we're coming out of lockdown, as well as resources for recovering Covid patients

You can also find more resources for mental health advice on our 'Mental health resilience for pest pros' article. 


If you're a BPCA member and you have any questions about the restrictions lifting, please get in touch.

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