Pest control sector news and updates

21 October 2020

Scottish petition to ban glue boards closed 

At a Scottish Parliament petitions committee meeting on 17 September, the committee agreed that the petition to ban glue boards in Scotland is to be closed.

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The petitions committee recommended that restrictions on glue boards be looked at by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC), as they agreed the matter was deserving of further discussion.

BPCA has already submitted evidence on the use of glue traps for pest management to SAWC, which can be read in full here.

Ian Andrew, BPCA Chief Exec, said:

"The conversation about the efficacy and humaneness of glue boards is far from over.

"These tools can have a significant impact on animal welfare, and therefore we have recommended to SAWC an outright ban of the sale of glue boards to amateur users.

"Training, environmental risk assessments and adherence to the Pest Management Alliance’s Code of Best Practice on Glue boards enable professionals to use their judgement when selecting a glue board safely.” 

On 20 June, BPCA as part of the Pest Management Alliance (PMA) gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee. 

The private petition was lodged by campaign group Let's Get MAD for Wildlife. They hoped to see a complete ban of glue boards, similar to the situation in Ireland and New Zealand.

Ian continued:

"We are now looking at how we can engage with the Cross-Party Parliamentary Group on Animal Welfare on the issue, and we'll continue to support SAWC's Glue Traps Working Group".

"BPCA will continue to protect the toolkit of our members so they, in turn, can protect public health".

If you have any questions about glue boards or the current Codes of Practice, email

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