30 April 2020
Meet the members: Rising to the challenge
Membership| PPC99 May 2020
PPC talked to the membership at large, about the proactive steps taken to meet the Covid-19 crisis head-on. Your responses are still coming in, but here are a just a few collated at the time of publicati.... More
30 April 2020
Member benefit in focus: Find a pest controller
Membership | PPC99 May 2020
Rated as the second-best member benefit, beaten only by the BPCA logo and the doors it opens, our Find a pest controller tool is trusted across the country.
The tool has changed a lot over the.... More
24 April 2020
New health and safety review toolbox talk
A new health and safety talk template, for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).
Available to BPCA members only, the toolbox talk is designed to get p.... More
23 April 2020
BPCA releases CPD assignments for pest professionals
To give pest professionals a new way to keep up with their continuing professional development (CPD), BPCA is now issuing downloadable CPD assignments.
Karen Dawes, BPCA Training manager, said:
“Conducting research and comp.... More
15 April 2020
New cost-benefit analysis of postponing pest control services template available for BPCA members
BPCA has released a letter template for pest management companies to help explain the importance of continuing ongoing site protection during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The letter includes the pros and cons of suspending proactive (routine) pes.... More
08 April 2020
New bird licences toolbox talk released for BPCA members
A new bird licensing toolbox talk template, for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).
Available to BPCA members only, the toolbox talk is designed to get p.... More
08 April 2020
BPCA gives Gove 141 reasons pest management needs to be considered essential during Covid-19
BPCA has replied to the Minister for the Cabinet Office Michael Gove's letter on pest management professionals being key workers.
While the states pest management employees can continue to go to work, he did not agree to add pest.... More
03 April 2020
Make Covid-19 Small Business Grant Fund work for pest companies, says BPCA to Chancellor
Today (3 April 2020), BPCA has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak MP, asking him to make the Small Business Grant Fund work for our sector.
The Small Business Grant Fund requires a business to be regist.... More
01 April 2020
13 resources for pest professionals during Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA has released 13 resources for operating essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some of these resources are free for everyone, while others are for BPCA members only.
The resources available are:
NEW Client information.... More
01 April 2020
BPCA hit the airwaves on LBC radio show
Yesterday (31 March) our campaign to make councils reconsider reducing bin collections featured on LBC radio.
LBC, which stands for 'Leading Britain's Conversation', has more than 2 and a half million listeners each week.&n.... More
31 March 2020
BPCA adds toolbox talk resources for members
BPCA has added new CPD resources for member companies who want to deliver high-quality, in-house CPD for their employees.
The new section on the website currently includes:
A blank toolbox talk template with guidance&n.... More
30 March 2020
BPCA releases letter of endorsement templates to help essential workers get on site
BPCA has created two templates to help our members keep their employees working on critical sites during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Currently, people in the UK can continue to go to work if their work cannot be done from home.
During.... More
30 March 2020
VIDEO: PPC Live 2020 – Technical excellence in action
Can you spot yourself in our PPC Live 2020 video? With record attendance figures, PPC Live was completely unique with loads of exhibitors, technical talks and demonstrations.
Take a look at the highlight reel now.
. More
27 March 2020
Coronavirus (Covid-19) risk assessment template released for BPCA members
BPCA members can now access a Coronavirus (Covid-19) risk assessment template provided by Stallard Kane.
You can access the risk assessment template in the BPCA Member Area (login required).
Download now
The template covers:.... More
26 March 2020
BPCA release free microlearning courses for members
To help support members and their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic, BPCA has release eight microlearning courses to all members for free.
The courses will remain free for three months.
The eight, short online lear.... More
26 March 2020
BPCA position statement of Covid-19 disinfection
BPCA is aware that many members have begun to offer disinfection services for Covid-19, and we recommend you proceed with extreme caution.
Before offering these services, you should:
Check that the technicians carrying out these.... More
20 March 2020
BPCA writes letter to schools to allow pest management to continue during Covid-19 pandemic
In light of the Government not explicitly adding pest management to the list of crucial sectors in their guidance, BPCA has produced a letter template for members to help ensure their employees' children can continue to go to school.
.... More
19 March 2020
BPCA writes to Prime Minister to ask to be designated as key workers amid Covid-19 pandemic
Today, BPCA has written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson asking that pest management professionals be designated key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Government announced measures yesterday so that "key workers" would be a.... More
13 March 2020
BPCA shortlisted for memcom award
BPCA is delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for Membership Organisation of the Year in the memcom Membership Excellence Awards.
The memcom Membership Excellence Awards showcase the great work coming out of t.... More
12 March 2020
Record visitor numbers at PPC Live 2020
British Pest Control Association’s travelling tradeshow, PPC Live, saw record numbers of visitors when it took a trip to Harrogate, Yorkshire this week.
516 people came along to the UK’s biggest pest management event of 20.... More
12 March 2020
Pest photograph competition winner announced
BPCA were pleased to announce the winner of the #BestPestPic2020 competition at PPC Live in Harrogate this week.
Mark Horrocks, a pest management technician from Gloucestershire, won the Association’s competition to find th.... More
05 March 2020
MIDS to host pest control event
An event for pest management professionals, organised by MIDS Pest Control, is taking place in Letchworth on 25 March.
Date: Wednesday 25 March 2020
Time: 9am - 4pm
Where: Jackmans Community Centre, Ivel Ct, Letchworth G.... More
04 March 2020
Membership criteria change for Consultant and M&D membership
Effective immediately, BPCA is removing the requirement for Consultant and Manufacturing & Distribution members to have been trading for 12 months before they can apply for membership.
The BPCA Executive Board voted to change the member.... More
27 February 2020
Social media mix ups: when internet pest advice goes wrong
In this guest blog, Mark Butler and Martin Rose-King ask if the pest management advice you're getting on the internet is legit.
We've all been there: an urgent call from a customer panicking about the ‘deadly’ bug they.... More
27 February 2020
PPC Live 2020: Online showguide
Welcome to the PPC Live showguide: your definitive look at what’s happening at the biggest pest event of the year.
On 11 March, we’ll be in beautiful Harrogate for our one-day trade exhibition designed for pest control technicia.... More