18 May 2020
Becoming Covid-19 secure: guidance for pest management companies
BPCA has created a health and safety guidance document for pest management companies returning to work, as Coronavirus lockdown measures ease in the UK.. More
15 May 2020
Tools for the Covid-19 secure pest management company
BPCA has teamed up with print provider Stirland Paterson, to give our members access to Covid-19 health and safety back-to-work signage.. More
06 May 2020
Health and safety: returning to work after lockdown
BPCA technical and compliance officer Natalie Bungay takes a look at what you need to consider when you reopen your pest control business, if lockdown is lifted. . More
05 May 2020
Natural England begins issuing individual licence decisions
Natural England has now started contacting pest professionals in relation to applications for individual bird control licences.. More
30 April 2020
Keep rats out of the attic: mental health resilience for pest pros
In PPC99 BPCA Marketing and Communications Officer, Kat Shaw, takes a look at how mental health can affect people at work and the impact of Covid-19 on mental wellbeing.. More
30 April 2020
Sharps! Needlestick injury awareness for pest professionals
Katie Martinelli from High Speed Training talks us through mitigating the risks of needle stick injuries when carrying out pest management work.. More
24 April 2020
Covid-19 testing for key workers
UK government has announced that key workers who are showing symptoms of Covid-19 will be eligible to apply for a test.. More
24 April 2020
New health and safety review toolbox talk
A new health and safety talk template, for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).
. More
22 April 2020
HSE issues workplace social distancing warning
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) warns employers it will hand out enforcement notices to those who do not comply with the two-metre social distancing rule in workplaces.. More
22 April 2020
Natural England: Update on individual licences for the control of gulls
Natural England has issued an update around the issuing of individual licences for the control of herring and lesser black-backed gulls.. More
21 April 2020
GVS talk RPE for pest professionals and Covid-19
In this guest blog, Danny Barr, one of GVS' UK RPE specialists, talked us through the work GVS has been doing and the key aspects of wearing safety masks. . More
14 April 2020
Scottish Natural Heritage: gull licence process reminder
Scottish Natural Heritage are urging pest controllers to double check they're sending the correct information for gull licence applications.. More
08 April 2020
New bird licences toolbox talk released for BPCA members
BPCA's technical team has created a bird licensing toolbox talk template for members to download. . More
01 April 2020
13 resources for pest professionals during Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA has released 13 resources for operating essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of these resources are free for everyone, while others are for BPCA members only.. More
01 April 2020
Natural England: updates on licences for bird and stoat control
Natural England has released new general licences for stoat control, as well as continuing to process individual licences for bird control.. More
19 February 2021
UPDATED: Furloughing pest management workers and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS)
Covid-19 has made furlough the HR word of the moment in the UK, but what is it and how does it work for your pest management business? . More
27 March 2020
FAQ: Pest management and Covid-19
Frequently asked questions for pest management professionals amid the Covid-19 pandemic. More
27 March 2020
Scottish general licence changes coming
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has announced that the new general licence will, from 1 April, only cover two species – Canada Goose and feral pigeon.. More
27 March 2020
Coronavirus (Covid-19) risk assessment template released for BPCA members
BPCA members can now access a Coronavirus (COVID-19) risk assessment template provided by Stallard Kane.. More
26 March 2020
BPCA position statement of Covid-19 disinfection
BPCA is aware that many members have begun to offer disinfection services for Covid-19.. More
25 March 2020
Pest control critical to sustain public health during Covid-19 crisis
Press release: Urgent action required to ensure pest control management can continue to be administered in the Covid-19 pandemic. More
25 March 2020
VIDEO: Advice for pest professionals during Covid-19 pandemic
The video will help pest management businesses understand how the pandemic will affect their work, and offer suggestions for mitigating risks involved in doing pest control work. . More
23 March 2020
Can I go to work? Guidance for pest management professionals
Last night (23 March 2020), the Government announced further measures to stop the spread of Covid 19, including not being able to leave you home except for very specific exceptions. . More
20 March 2020
BPCA writes letter to schools to allow pest management to continue during Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA writes to schools and continues to urge the Government to designate pest professionals as key workers during Covid-19 pandemic.. More
19 March 2020
BPCA writes to Prime Minister to ask to be designated as key workers amid Covid-19 pandemic
Today, BPCA has written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson asking that pest management professionals be designated key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.. More