03 October 2019
Fendona 6SC to be discontinued
Existing stocks of the insecticide Fendona 6SC will be phased out following changes in authorisations.. More
23 August 2019
Flying insects in hospitals carry 'superbug' germs
A study, co-authored by Killgerm's Dr Matthew Davies, finds 90% of insects in hospitals carry potentially harmful bacteria.. More
23 August 2019
PestWatch: Silverfish and grey silverfish
BPCA Technical Officer, Natalie Bungay, investigates silverfish and grey silverfish, and the difference in control approaches.. More
23 August 2019
Developments in mosquito management
Dr Claire Donald, from the University of Glasgow, gives an overview of how scientists are working to lessen the mosquito threat.. More
22 August 2019
Things that sting: insect venom and allergies
Dr Andrew Whyte, Consultant Allergist and Immunologist at Derriford Hospital, gives BPCA members a lesson in insect venom.. More
22 August 2019
Proactive bee management experiments
Jonathan Walker from BPCA member company Eradipest has been experimenting with proactive bee management.. More
09 August 2019
VIDEO: A practical approach to wasp management
This webinar is useful for pest technicians looking improving their competency around the control of wasp nests.. More
01 August 2019
Sugar-seeking wasps spark safety message
Wasps on the hunt for a sugar hit could pose a risk to children and the elderly during the school summer holidays.. More
15 July 2019
Use up your Ficam D, says Bayer
BPCA member reminds pest controllers to use up any Ficam D stocks with old labels by 25 July.. More
09 July 2019
Asian hornet sighting confirmed in south Hampshire
Beekeepers warned by Gov UK to remain vigilant as single Asian hornet spotted in Hampshire. . More
02 July 2019
Monty Python actor warns of Deathwatch Beetle threat to UK churches
Legendary British comedian, Michael Palin, partners with National Churches Trust to warn of pest threats to historic buildings.. More
28 June 2019
'Watch out for wasps' says BPCA member Bayer
Warnings of a bumper wasp season have begun, following another mild winter in the UK.. More
28 May 2019
Creating excellence in cockroach baiting programmes
Steve Broadbent from Ensystex is back, this time we’re talking about what makes for a precise and targeted baiting programme.. More
28 May 2019
Mite monitoring and biology for pest management professionals
Mites are small. Really small. Infestations are notoriously hard to spot until a site has a massive problem with a large population of mites. Can you confirm if your customer has mites early?. More
28 May 2019
Wax moths: communal pupal chambers and inquilines
BPCA Consultant member John Lloyd is back in PPC, giving us advice on how to spot and treat for these rare pests.. More
28 May 2019
Pest controller and customer relationships in flea treatments
Richard Moseley of Bayer CropScience investigates what a pest management professional can do to foster a strong customer relationship.. More
28 May 2019
PestWatch: Cluster flies
BPCA Field Officer, Natalie, is back again with some more seasonal pest management advice. This PestWatch we’re taking a look at the tiny cluster fly. . More
28 May 2019
Protect and profit: All things Apis mellifera (European honey bee)
The chemicals that are necessary for life as we know it in the 21st century have had widely documented negative impacts upon invertebrate. What can we as pest management professionals can do about it?. More
07 March 2019
Understanding cockroach foraging behaviour
Cockroaches have evolved to exploit our modern urban environments where the structures we build provide a plethora of harbourages, warmth, food and moisture. . More
07 March 2019
SERVICING STORIES: Empire of the ants
Three blocks of flats. Multiple colonies. Hundreds of thousands of invasive ants. Nigel White, Operations Director of member company Tactical Environmental Services, talks to us about a block treatment of epic proportions.. More
07 March 2019
The practical implications of bed bug biology and behaviour
When it comes to bed bugs, the more you know, the more effective you’ll be at treating an infestation, Dr Jette Knudsen, a researcher from Nattaro Labs, Sweden shares her detailed insights into bed bug behaviour and biology, so you too can join th.... More
05 February 2019
Amazing insect and pest photographs win Small World Competition
A stunning weevil eye, an Asian hornet’s sting and a mouse oviduct all win acclaim in Nikon’s 44th annual Small World Photomicrography Competition. . More
16 January 2019
Ficam® D successfully re-approved for future use… but with caveat
Bayer has announced that Ficam® D has been reapproved by HSE. However, the new label will no longer allow for the use of this pesticide outdoors. . More
07 December 2018
The humble cuckoo wasp solves a pest-related dispute
In this new PPC feature we delve into the travel diaries of John Lloyd, Technical Consultant and Entomologist at BPCA consultant member company, IPMIC, and ask him to tell us one of his ‘Consultant Stories’. . More
07 December 2018
Tiny pests in and around the home
Tiny insects which may be living in British homes and eating your client’s clothes, furniture, books and even the house itself. Entomologist, David Pinniger, shares with us some of the small but mighty pests you should keep an eye out for. . More