28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Silverfish
A cigar-shaped, silver-grey, wingless insect about 12mm long, found in damp areas commonly in kitchens and bathrooms. Nocturnal in habit, but often trapped in baths, basins or chinaware as it cannot climb the smooth surfaces. Moves quickly and h.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Slugs
A well-known garden pest, Slugs will eat vegetation and are only occasionally found indoors, in damp areas such as cellars. Despite their appearance, Slugs are harmless and is only a minor agricultural/amenity pest.
How to get rid of Slug.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Snakes
In the UK snakes are not dealt with as pests by an average pest control company as problems are not common and dealing with snakes requires particular skills. As stated in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 it is illegal to kill, injure or se.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Sparrows
Rarely a problem in domestic situations, but frequently an issue in commercial premises such as bakeries and warehouses. Sparrows can enter buildings through tiny gaps and, once in, are very difficult to remove.
Proofing with ne.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Spider Beetles
A group of beetles with globular abdomens and relatively long legs, superficially resembling small spiders, 3-4mm long. General scavengers of all sorts of animal and vegetable debris and stored food, and frequently associated with old birds&rsqu.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Spiders
In the UK, native spiders are not considered dangerous, or a threat to health but some households suffer from ‘nuisance’ house spiders, and because of common fears (arachnophobia), many require pest control.
If you require t.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Stable Flies
Closely resembles the Housefly, but this fellow bites. Uncommon indoors but breeds in long grass, straw or grass cuttings where there are horses or other animals.
Apply an insect repellent to bare skin, especially legs, before g.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Starlings
Although a native to this country, our permanently resident starling population is swelled every autumn by migrants arriving from the Continent. Starlings may roost in their thousands on ledges on buildings and in trees in city centres. Their dr.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Termites
Social insects which may live in communities of many millions of individuals. In tropical and sub-tropical countries they are major pests of timber buildings. Not presently found in the UK but global warming may allow them to establish in the so.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Thrips
Also known as “thunder-flies”, tiny (1.5mm) insects, black with narrow, hairy wings. They feed on plant sap and on humid summer days they may occur in huge numbers on window sills and get into clothing and hair.
Mainly an ag.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Ticks
Closely related to the mites, but much larger and reliant on vertebrate blood. They are occasionally brought into the house on domestic animals and can be picked up by humans after walking through long grass in an infested area. Ticks are implic.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Voles
Usually confused with Brown Rats, these small, blunt-nosed rodents can occasionally enter buildings, but normally live in outdoor burrows. Not regarded as a household pest, and in fact, some species such as the water vole are a protected species.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Wasps
Are you worried about wasp stings? Have you found a wasps’ nest? Learn all about wasp nest treatments in our ultimate wasp pest control guide. Get rid of wasps for good.
If you’ve spotted lots of wasps and you’re worried.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Weevils
A term frequently misused to describe beetles in general, but is applicable only to a distinctive group of beetles with long, pointed “snouts” which they use for boring into whole grains, hard processed cereals such as pasta, and tim.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Wharf Borer
A brown beetle, about 1cm long, with pronounced antennae and a tendency to emerge from damp basements and fly about near rivers or estuaries in early summer. The grubs live in very decayed wet timber such as old jetties or wooden piles. These be.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Woodworm
A term used for the destructive larvae of the Common Furniture Beetle. The first sign of woodworm is the appearance of neat round holes, 2mm across, in wooden surfaces, often accompanied by tiny piles of wood dust beneath them. Fresh holes sho.... More
28 November 2017
Pest Advice for controlling Woodlice
Woodlice are one of the few land crustaceans. They have oval, grey, segmented bodies 10-15mm long, with 14 legs and prominent antennae. Common names include ‘slaters’, ‘sow-bugs’ and ‘pill-bugs’.
Ther.... More
28 November 2017
Pest Advice for controlling Woolly Bears
The small hairy larvae of the carpet or fur beetles are known as "woolly bears". These small, oval beetles have outstripped the clothes moths as the major British textile pest. The larvae are small (about 4mm long), covered in brown hairs, and t.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Worms
Parasitic worms are a veterinary or medical problem but they are included here because some may be transmitted by rats, mice or certain insects. Threadworms are relatively common in dogs, cats and children. They are thin whitish wrigglers about.... More
28 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Yellow Swarming Fly
One of the species collectively known as Cluster Fly family. A small yellowish fly with black stripes on its back which sometimes invades attics or rarely-used rooms to hibernate in autumn.
For more information, including control techni.... More
20 November 2017
PPC89 out now
Professional Pest Controller issue 89 is out now. The BPCA member and industry magazine is packed full of all the latest pest control news and features (November 2017).
PPC magazine is made for our members, pest control professionals an.... More
20 November 2017
Everything changes but you
President foreword | PPC89 November 2017
What a year for BPCA! I guess this is why they say the only real constant is change.
The biggest ever PestEx, the first-ever industry awards (complete with our 75th year celebratio.... More
20 November 2017
Some final words, and a new chapter for BPCA
Cheid Exec viewpoint | PPC89 November 2017
Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you will know I’m leaving BPCA and the sector early in 2018 to take up a role with the National Association of Jewellers. (In answer to the two m.... More
20 November 2017
Seven years of Simon
Interview feature | PPC89 November 2017
After a hugely successful tenure as Chief Executive of the British Pest Control Association, Simon Forrester will be leaving his role with the Association in January of next year.
We thought.... More
17 November 2017
Recruit a pest controller: From posting a job to hiring a new employee
Your business feature | PPC89 November 2017
Looking at bringing a new pest management technician on board but don’t know where to start? We’ll go through the whole process and tell you all about the tools we offer to help you.... More
17 November 2017
New York Rat Safari
Urban environment feature | PPC89 November 2017
Andy Beckmann organises one of the largest pest management trade shows in Europe, Pest-Protect. While researching other trade-shows around the world, Andy has seen many weird and wonderful.... More
17 November 2017
Don’t get replaced by a robot pest controller!
Technology feature | PPC89 November 2017
We’ve been talking about new technology in pest management lots over the last few issues. BPCA Technical Manager, Dee Ward-Thompson investigates how we best protect our profession.... More
17 November 2017
The death of the Yellow Pages and the rise of Shirley Temple
Marketing and promotions feature | PPC89 November 2017
Telephone, telephone table, family address book, pen pot (complete with an assortment of random pens) and The Yellow Pages. These are what greeted most people entering their ho.... More
17 November 2017
New member benefit: Printshop
The print shop is now open. Visit it here (main contact login required).
Marketing and promotions feature | PPC89 November 2017
Print is very much alive, but it has to be used in the right way. Print is potent.... More
17 November 2017
Quick marketing audits for every pest management company
Marketing and promotions feature | PPC89 November 2017
We get a lot of questions about how to market your pest control business. Content and Communications Officer, Scott Johnstone, spends more time looking at BPCA member’s web.... More
16 November 2017
Controlling reputation – we can’t help if we don’t know!
Marketing and promotions feature | PPC89 November 2017
A first lesson of public relations is to take control of potentially bad press. Being part of a trade association is a useful, but often forgotten, mechanism to help preserve r.... More
16 November 2017
Pest control while protecting our bats
Pest control feature | PPC89 November 2017
All UK bat species eat insects and as such do play a part in insect pest control in the UK – a single bat can eat thousands of insects each night. Bats are also considered to be one.... More
16 November 2017
PPC Live 2018: Your questions answered
Events feature | PPC89 November 2017
With a busy diary, it’s hard to make time for attending tradeshows and events, let alone having to choose which events you should attend. BPCA Events Manager, Lauren Day, has been to her fair sh.... More
16 November 2017
PPC Live: Seminars, outdoor demonstrations and exhibitors
Events feature | PPC89 November 2017
The full PPC Live seminar and outdoor demonstration programmes have been released! Take a look at what we've got planned.
CPD points available
1 CPD point per seminar
2 points for att.... More
16 November 2017
Back to basics: effective control of stubborn mouse infestations
Feature pest control | PPC89 November 2017
Many of us will have come across those stubborn, hard to control infestations. Chris Cagienard from Pest Solutions Glasgow makes the case for getting back to basics with mouse control.
.... More
16 November 2017
Pest control in space
Extraterrestrial environments feature| PPC89 November 2017
Pest controllers are no strangers to alien invasive species. With Star Wars: The Last Jedi due to hit our screens in December, we’ve received some amusing requests for.... More
16 November 2017
Ask the Technical Team November 2017
Feature technical | PPC89 November 2017
Being the leading association for pest management in the UK means that you get a lot of professional pest control questions piling up in your inbox.
When you’re a BPCA member you can get.... More
16 November 2017
Norwegian, Wood – isn’t it good? Pest management in Norway
Meet the member feature| PPC89 November 2017
What happens when you take a Norwegian pest technician out with you on your rounds? James Wood, a technician from Beaver Pest Control, took Rune Bratland, owner of Skadedyrservice AS, Ber.... More
16 November 2017
Pestwatch: Technical help for professional pest controllers
Feature technical | PPC89 November 2017
Our technical team is out and about all over the country, and they always have their ear to the ground. This is what they think you need to look out for between November and February.
16 November 2017
Your Association: Get involved with PPC magazine
Your Association | PPC89 November 2017
A considerable amount of time and resources get dedicated to creating PPC magazine. Content and Communications Officer, Scott Johnstone, looks to what the future holds for PPC and how you can be inv.... More
16 November 2017
‘Spotlight’ on Kent pest control firm after 12 months’ membership
Meet the Member | PPC89 November 2017
5 in 5 with David Lacey, Director, Spotlight Pest Control (Kent)
Why did you choose to get into pest control?
After being involved in property development for some years, I decided it was.... More
16 November 2017
Meet the Servicing Committee Chairman
Committee in Focus | PPC89 November 2017
Howard Taffs, Managing Director and owner of Good Riddance Pest Control in Bristol, took over as Servicing Committee Chairman in September. We caught up with Howard to pose a few questio.... More
16 November 2017
Look back: North West Regional Forum
Feature events | PPC89 November 2017
After our summer break, the BPCA events calendar is back in full swing as we head out on the road again for the rest of 2017 – beginning with the North West Regional Forum in Manchester.
.... More
16 November 2017
Our shouting is being heard! BPCA visits BRC
Feature where we've been | PPC89 November 2017
As you would have read in the last edition, we are now in a great position to tell everyone about the high standards that our membership is assessed against, and what it means to be a BPCA m.... More
16 November 2017
Is professional pest control training your competitive advantage?
Feature training| PPC89 November 2017
How do you promote competitive advantage, particularly in a sector where most companies do the same thing? BPCA Training Development Manager, Karen Dawes, tells us her thoughts on how training c.... More
09 November 2017
BPCA shortlisted for four awards at Association Awards
BPCA has been nominated and shortlisted for four awards at the upcoming UK Association Awards 2017.
The winners will be announced at the UK Association Awards Ceremony, taking place in Manchester, UK, on 14 December.
The awards we'v.... More
08 November 2017
Infographic: What does a good association do?
We've produced an infographic for Institute of Association Management's first ever Associations Week.
You can join in with Associations Week by using #AssocWeek on Twitter.
More about Associations Week
Scott Johnst.... More
08 November 2017
New benefit: Online legislation register for Affiliates
At the request of our Servicing Committee, the voice of the servicing membership, BPCA has compiled a register of UK legislation associated with delivering pest control services.
Indexed by animal and group, the register allows affiliat.... More
08 November 2017
New rules in Ireland greatly curtail continuous use of rodenticides in ‘Permanent Baiting Programmes’
Following the recent EU Review of anticoagulant rodenticide active substances, new rules on the use of the permanent baiting technique have been adopted across Ireland.
These new rules require that the continuous use of toxic bait can n.... More
08 November 2017
BPCA responds to rodenticide public area use consultation
BPCA has been consulted on the thorny issue of public area use of rodenticide, and the contentious requirement to signpost the area to bystanders.
As the UK body with responsibility for rodenticide authorisation, Chemicals Regulation.... More