05 August 2015

Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) move to a Brand New Purpose Built Distribution Unit

Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) are delighted to announce that they have recently moved to a brand new purpose built distribution unit which is situated literally just round the corner from the Barrettine Group HQ in Warmley, Bristol.

The Division has gone from strength to strength over its 30-year existence and Group Managing Director Steve Bailey stated he is very proud and excited by the Companies latest chapter. "Whilst we trade in a very competitive & heavily regulated marketplace, it's very pleasing to report that the business is making great strides forward. This is very much testament to the Barrettine Team which I believe give excellent support and service to our customers. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our Customers and Suppliers that have supported us all these years as we wouldn't have been able to make this move and step up without your support.

The new premises enjoys 10,000 sq ft of warehousing, with energy efficient LED lighting as well as 2000 sq ft of modern offices. Less than half a mile from the Barrettine HQ main site, BEH is well placed for further growth and expansion.

It's a very busy period for our business at the moment but to celebrate our move, plans are underway for an open day in the very near future, a further announcement regarding this will be made in due course. In the meantime with a fully operational Trade counter, Customers are welcome in at any time to pick up an order or simply come in for a chat and a coffee.

Barrettine Environmental Health, Caxton Business Park, Crown Way, Warmley. Bristol. BS30 8XJ. Tel: 01179 672222. Email: beh@barrettine.co.uk.  Web: www.barrettine.co.uk

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