14 July 2017
PPC Magazine picks up Best Practice Award adding to BPCA’s list of accolades
Professional Pest Controller (PPC) Magazine has been crowned magazine of the year by the Trade Association Forum.. More
16 November 2017
‘Spotlight’ on Kent pest control firm after 12 months’ membership
5 in 5 with David Lacey, Director, Spotlight Pest Control (Kent). More
14 July 2015
Baiting operations concluded on South Georgia as plans get underway for long-term monitoring
Hopes that globally important seabird sanctuary is now free of rats for first time in two centuries. More
05 August 2015
Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) move to a Brand New Purpose Built Distribution Unit
Barrettine Environmental Health (BEH) are delighted to announce that they have recently moved to a brand new purpose built distribution unit in Bristol.. More
30 October 2015
BPCA Members win Swale Business of the Year 2015
BPCA members, Bird and Pest Solutions were very proud and excited to be awarded Swale Business of the Year 2015 on Friday 9 October at a gala event.. More
18 March 2015
CRRU launches Code of Best Practice for Rodent Control and Safe Use of Rodenticides
The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) has launched the document that forms the heart of the stewardship campaign around SGARs.. More
25 June 2024
Efforts underway to preserve use of rodent glue boards in Scotland
Join our roundtable to support a licensing scheme for rodent glue boards in Scotland. Help demonstrate their importance in maintaining food safety and public health.. More
17 January 2013
Helicopter crash devastates the pest control industry
Reports have confirmed Matthew Wood, a Rentokil employee from Sutton was sadly killed in the helicopter crash in Vauxhall, London, while he made his way to work.. More
10 June 2022
How to identify ‘things that go buzz’
As summer approaches, and ‘sting season’ sets in, experts at a national trade body are urging gardeners to learn more about ‘things that go buzz’.. More
03 August 2020
Incentives for pest management professionals
Paul Bates, Managing Director at Cleankill Pest Control, talks about motivating and inspiring staff using incentives, beyond giving a simple paycheck. . More
17 December 2015
Major wholesalers withdraw cruel rodent glue traps following HSI-UK’s Unstuck Campaign
Wholesalers, professional pest control industry experts and the RSPCA are getting behind Humane Society International/UK's Unstuck campaign to ban the public sale of cruel rodent glue traps. . More
17 February 2016
National Pest Management Association Appoints Dominique Stumpf as Chief Executive Officer
The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) Board of Directors announce the appointment of Dominique Stumpf to the position of chief executive officer.. More
12 August 2015
New course creates surge of interest
Gamekeepers wishing to continue using the products after the deadline will need relevant credentials and one-day courses that lead to official certification, awarded by BASIS Registration Ltd, have attracted a surge of interest. More
24 July 2015
New law on pest control puts farmers under pressure
Farmers are facing a race against time to comply with strict new rules on specialist pesticides.. More
20 July 2015
New online platform has string of benefits for pest control industry and beyond
The new-look BASIS PROMPT website features a facility for technicians to sign up online.. More
11 May 2015
PelGar International announcing acquisition
PelGar International is delighted to announce the acquisition of pesticide manufacturing company Agropharm Ltd. . More
03 February 2016
Pest controllers alerted to end of routine permanent rat baiting around rural buildings
Except as a justifiable last resort against clear long-term threats to human or animal health, the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime now rules out permanent rodenticide baiting around the outside of rural buildings.. More
23 May 2014
PPC Live 2014: a great success!
BPCA's new PPC Live event was a huge success with delegates and exhibitors alike.. More
15 June 2015
Pressure mounts on SGAR abusers
A recent case in Scotland saw not only a prosecution for the individual but also his employer when a wild bird was found to have been poisoned. More
07 January 2013
Rats blamed for blaze - save yourself from similar devastation
Rats could be to blame for a fire at a coach firm, destroying three coaches and three minibuses in Hedge End, near Southampton.. More
03 February 2021
Reminder: Report illegal pesticide sales when you spot them online
BPCA's guidance document will help you to report illegal activity to us when you see it.. More
12 August 2015
Rodenticide stewardship's complex timelines clarified
Complex overlapping timelines in the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have been published in graphical format by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU). . More
09 October 2015
RSPH candidates first to achieve legally required qualification under rodenticide stewardship scheme
Candidates from Rentokil taking the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Rodenticides became the first cohort to achieve a qualification that complies with the Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide (SGAR) stewardship scheme.. More
19 May 2015
Russell IPM Foundation celebrates £100,000 for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research
Local business Russell IPM held a celebration day on Friday to announce that they had successfully reached their £100,000 target for Leukaemia and Lymphoma research. . More
18 November 2015
ServicePro and Listen360 Combine to Improve Quality of Pest Control Services
ServicePro, a provider of software solutions for the pest management and service industry and Listen360, the leader in customer feedback management and analytics announced a partnership today.. More