Complex overlapping timelines in the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have been published in graphical format by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU). This follows a meeting on 5 August of regulators from CRRU UK companies and their HSE counterparts to agree timelines for the regime's introduction and products covered.
Complexity is unavoidable because the transition from pre-stewardship product labels and new stewardship authorisations involves different processes that are not synchronous, explains CRRU chairman Dr Alan Buckle.
"One of these is a staged phasing out of products being withdrawn from the market," he says. "Overlapping with this is the application for, and subsequent granting of, new authorisations."The crucial dates and details are:
The crucial dates and details are:
- Products that manufacturers have not submitted for professional outdoor use stewardship authorisation: Remaining stocks can be sold until 1 December 2015 and must be used within six months of that date, i.e. before 1 June 2016 (this date was given in earlier HSE announcements). A certificate of professional competence will not be required to buy and use these products.
- Products that manufacturers have submitted for professional outdoor use stewardship authorisation: Remaining stocks with pre-stewardship labels can be sold until 30 September 2016 and must be used within six months of that date, i.e. by 31 March 2017. A certificate of professional competence will not be required to buy and use these products.New 'stewardship' authorisations of products for professional outdoor use will be granted on 31 March 2016. New stocks of products carrying stewardship labels will become available as their manufacturers introduce them to the supply chain. A certificate of professional competence will be required to buy and use these products.
- New 'stewardship' authorisations of products for professional outdoor use will be granted on 31 March 2016. New stocks of products carrying stewardship labels will become available as their manufacturers introduce them to the supply chain. A certificate of professional competence will be required to buy and use these products.
Professional pest controllers, farmers and gamekeepers purchasing stewardship label products will require proof of competence at point-of-sale. This can be either a certificate from an approved training course on rodent control or, until December 2017 for farmers, up-to-date proof of membership of an assurance scheme whose audited standards include a requirement for safe and effective rodent control.
There will be a period from 31 March 2016 to 30 September 2016 when stewardship and pre-stewardship labelled products may be sold, explains Killgerm's Rupert Broome, who leads the CRRU UK Point-of-Sale Work Group.
"Manufacturers and suppliers will explain to purchasers when sell out and use up periods expire for their different products," he says. "Once a purchase is made, it becomes the sole responsibility of users to ensure that products are used before their use-up dates, including disposal according to label instructions on expired product.
"CRRU is working with the UK supply chain to ensure the new rules for professional use rodenticides are understood and applied across all user sectors. Those who distribute these products, which are so important in public health, food safety and animal hygiene, will have checks in place from March next year to ensure that only competent professionals can buy products under the stewardship regime."
1 See CRRU UK web-site ( for more information on approved training certification.
2 See CRRU UK web-site ( for UK farm assurance schemes with appropriate standards for rodent control.