30 October 2018

Against all odds – Developing BPCA’s training offering

Meet the team | Blog

With BPCA’s new Individual Recognition scheme just around the corner, we thought we’d catch up with Training and Development Manager, Karen Dawes, and see what her department has been up to this year.

Plagiarising the title of a Phil Collins hit song probably defines my own maturity somewhat, although the mere use of the word “hit” concerning musical chart success, likely ages me more.

However, hurtling as we are through the fourth quarter of a frighteningly fast-paced year and set against the backdrop of a team in its figurative infancy, the title seems quite apt!

Karen talking at PPC Live 2018

I started life with BPCA just over 12 months ago knowing much about some things and little about others.

I knew less than nothing about pest control. My excruciatingly steep learning curve had begun.

How can I just let you walk away?

Experienced Training Administrator, Danni Bromley returned from maternity leave just six months ago. She came into my life like a breath of fresh air. She knew things that I hadn’t about things that I didn’t realise existed yet!  

All we knew of each other had been gleaned from a return-to-work lunch and the odd staff meeting. However, we soon started to learn how to work together, build ourselves into a team, and to do our jobs better. 

Left to right, Karen Dawes, Katrina Jellyman and Danni Bromley

Katrina, while having worked within BPCA for a few years, joined the Training team just a few weeks ago. Part of her previous role was supporting Danni with training administration, so it was a pretty simple transition.

We knew each other well, liked each other a lot and, what we’d lost part-time we’d gained full time. We were nothing short of ecstatic (not least because her youthful knowledge of technology might at last result in the successful connection of my internet phone to the outside world)!

And so, we were one.

A small team with a big remit.

To grow our training portfolio and deliver BPCA Registered, one of the biggest projects within BPCA for many years – both equally challenging it has to be said.

You're the only one who really knew me at all

Back in the day, classroom training was the primary technique for educating employees.

Today, online learning, webinars and virtual reality are increasingly the preferred learning methods for both employers and employees alike. More cost effective, less time consuming, more efficient are often reasons for the change in approach and practice.  As a result, we’ve had to explore new training models that could successfully amalgamate the specialist knowledge and practical application that is fairly unique to pest control.

As an Association for professional pest controllers, we’re committed to driving up standards and adding value to the work of the sector.

Karen Dawes on pest control

Pest control shouldn’t be cheap. It should be effective.

Pest control shouldn’t be impulsive. It should be pre-emptive.

A career in the pest management sector shouldn’t be viewed as a last resort, it should be recognised as an occupation that demands a high level of qualification and competence from all who work in it.

Grow training and launch BPCA Registered is the collective remit of the training team and these two challenges are what binds the three of us together.

The development of BPCA Registered first and foremost aims to recognise the achievements of pest controllers. A BPCA Registered technician will need to have achieved a recognised entry level qualification and demonstrate a commitment to CPD (continuing professional development).

To support this, we’re developing new training programmes and CPD activities, many of which are being developed in digital formats that meet the needs of the modern learner.

And we need to do all of this by the end of the year.

So take a look at me now

So, how are we doing?

Well, to paraphrase a well-known and well-used adage, our mantra from the start was to expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised. And surprisingly, things are coming together.

By the beginning of 2019 we will have:

  • Added to our online learning portfolio
  • Produced a video library of technical presentations
  • Developed practical training sessions
  • Created a collection of technical reading editorials
  • Established new training courses.

We will also have launched BPCA Registered, the platform for which many of these developments will be used by our pest control members to demonstrate professionalism and competence.

There has been much to do, much to think about and much to learn in the last six months. But against all odds our little team of three is hopefully beginning to make a difference.


BPCA Training Pathway – find training

BPCA Registered – Individual Recognition

@BpcaRegistered on Twitter

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