28 May 2019

PPC95 out now

Professional pest controller magazine issue 95 is out now and available to read online for free. 

The magazine can be read onlinedownloaded as a PDF or you can join our Affiliate Scheme and request a hard copy. 

PPC Magazine issue 95 May 2019 cover


PESTEX 2019... it’s a wrap!

PestEx 2019 saw an incredible 29% increase in total visitors as over 100 pest management product and service suppliers descended on
ExCeL London in March. Read >

Also see, PestEx in pictures... and PestEx in numbers!

A recipe for roaches

Fussy bugs in PPC magazine

Steve Broadbent from Ensystex is back in PPC for part two of his cockroach article. Read >

You mite miss it

Can you confirm if your customer has mites early? Fera and PPC help pest management professionals monitor for these tiny pests. Read >

Wax moths: communal pupal chambers and inquilines

BPCA Consultant member John Lloyd of Independent Pest Management and Insect Consultancy is back in PPC, giving us advice on how to spot and treat for these rare pests. Read >

Flea-ting friendships 

Fleas and making friends in PPC magazine

Richard Moseley, National Account and Technical Manager of Bayer CropScience investigates the importance of pest controller and customer relationships in flea treatments. Read >

PESTWATCH: Cluster flies

BPCA Field Officer, Natalie Bungay, is back again with some more seasonal pest management advice. This PestWatch we’re taking a look
at the tiny cluster fly. Read >

All things apis mellifera

Norman Guiver from Bee.Watch investigates how 21st century chemicals have had negative impacts upon invertebrates. Read >

PestEx 2019 Review in PPC magazine

Rodent risks

Dr Belinda Stuart-Moonlight, of Moonlight Environmental, gives a view on rodent infestations in food businesses. Read >

Deals on wheels

Should you finance your pest management vehicle fleet? Read >

Clean air zones

Ten things you need to know about CAZs. Read >

Daily van checks 

Every pest management professional should familiarise themselves with these checks. Read >

Have it on good authority

BPCA’s new Primary Authority partner. Read >

Certified successful!

We caught up with Hillbans Pest Control to see how they’re getting on with accreditation and extra business potential. Read >

Ask the technical team

More of your technical pest management and control questions answered by our technical team. Read >

OBSERVER STORIES: A view from Ghana

Pest management in developing countries. Read >

The more reflective you are THE MORE EFFECTIVE YOU ARE 

Reflective learning in pest management. Read >


We're always interested in what our members and the pest management community want to see in the magazine. If you have an idea for an article or a news story you'd like to share with BPCA - contact Scott on hello@bpca.org.uk or call 01332 225 115

Send us your story

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