23 August 2019
Advert: New Partix technology
Advertisement | PPC96 August 2019
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23 August 2019
More than a business decision
President foreword | PPC96 August 2019
How do you decide whether your membership is value for money or not?
Domestic work trickles in from the ‘Find a pest controller’ tool.
Your membership certificate a.... More
23 August 2019
May you live in interesting times...
Chief Exec Viewpoint | PPC96 August 2019
‘May you live in interesting times’ is a phrase we often use and is translated from a Chinese curse.
Presumably, if times were less interesting, we would have fewer challen.... More
23 August 2019
Flying insects in hospitals carry 'superbug' germs
Health and safety | PPC96 August 2019
More than 50% of bacteria recovered from flying insects in a group of English hospitals were resistant to one or more antibiotics, posing a potential infection risk to patients, according to a.... More
23 August 2019
Ask the technical team August 2019
Technical | PPC96 August 2019
Our technical team tackle bee nests, reporting and delusional parasitosis in this issue.
When you’re a BPCA member you can get technical support whenever you need it via our experienced tec.... More
23 August 2019
A birds-eye view of general licences
Legislation| PPC96 August 2019
Since April this year, it’s been all hands on deck in the pest management world, getting to grips with changes in bird control licences and the way we manage pest birds.
Now that we have s.... More
23 August 2019
INFOGRAPHIC: General licence decision tree 2019
Legislation | PPC96 August 2019
Need a hand figuring out whether you're covered by the new general licences or if you need to apply for an individual licence?
Take a look at our infographic.
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23 August 2019
PestWatch: Silverfish and grey silverfish
Technical| PPC96 August 2019
In this in-depth PestWatch analysis, BPCA Technical Officer, Natalie Bungay, investigates silverfish and grey silverfish, paying particular attention to the difference in approaches when confronting each sp.... More
23 August 2019
Using tracking agents for pest management
Pest control| PPC96 August 2019
When talking to pest professionals who have a particularly tricky rodent infestation, our technical team usually suggest tracking agents as an investigative tool.
The usual response is, “Hmmm.... More
23 August 2019
Best practice or Balderdash?
Best practice| PPC96 August 2019
You don’t need a contract for a wasps nest… or do you?
While our tools and technology over the years have evolved and adapted, our practices haven’t necessarily changed at the sa.... More
23 August 2019
Developments in mosquito management
Technical| PPC96 August 2019
Traditionally mosquitoes have been treated with pesticides and insect growth regulators by pest controllers, but scientists have been looking at how we can fundamentally change our foe to make them less of.... More
22 August 2019
Things that sting: insect venom and allergies
Health and Safety | PPC96 August 2019
Insect stings by Hymenoptera species are very common, with more than half of the population being stung at some stage in their lives.
Pest management professionals are obviously more.... More
22 August 2019
Selling your pest management services using the law
Business feature| PPC96 August 2019
Paul Westgate, Managing Director of Sussex-based Westgate Pest Control and industry trainer with BPCA, has worked in urban pest management for nearly 20 years.
Paul examines the positives t.... More
22 August 2019
Ratcatcher to riches: Championing Professionalism
Your association | PPC96 August 2019
Way back in PPC91 we showed you our ‘strategic plan at a glance’.
Part of BPCA’s strategy is to champion the professionalism of the sector. But what does that mean? What.... More
22 August 2019
BPCA Professionalism Working Groups
Your association | PPC96 August 2019
What does championing professionalism in pest management look like today?
These groups are posing some huge questions with no easy answers. Many members are working to help answer them and, ult.... More
22 August 2019
Meet the member: “Starting Lady Bug Pest Control saved my life.”
Your association | PPC96 August 2019
“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how did you get into pest control?”
As a woman in a traditionally male-dominated industry, Vicki Sims hears this question a lot. BPCA Com.... More
22 August 2019
Contract Sharing Network celebrates national contract
Your association | PPC9 August 2019
The Contract Sharing Network (CSN) was officially launched at PestEx 2017 and since then has been limited to small groups of contracts and pigeon proofing jobs.
In April 2019, a significant step.... More
22 August 2019
Proactive bee management experiments
Your association | PPC96 August 2019
It can’t be said enough - we love bees. Nobody would choose to treat bees and so as pest management professionals we should all be looking at ways to minimise the public health risks of bee in.... More
22 August 2019
Observe a Servicing Committee meeting
Your association | PPC96 August 2019
The BPCA Servicing Committee represents the interests of the service and consultancy sector of the public health pest management industry.
They draft Codes of Best Practice and help.... More
21 August 2019
Are you recording your pest management CPD?
Training | PPC96 August 2019
Karen Dawes, BPCA Training Development Manager, takes a look at some great examples of CPD for people at all stages of their careers.
BPCA’s new individual recognition and CPD scheme.... More
21 August 2019
Pest awareness for everyone
Your Association | PPC96 August 2019
From facilities management to the equine world, BPCA’s PR efforts reach a wide-ranging and diverse audience.
Jane Shepherd from BPCA’s agency, Shepherd PR, talks about why it&r.... More
21 August 2019
Advert: Fast and versatile rodent station
Advertisement | PPC96 August 2019
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20 August 2019
14th Fumigants and Pheromones Conference announced
Registration is now open for the 14th Fumigants and Pheromones Conference, taking place next May in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
Insects Limited and Fumigation Service & Supply will be hosting the biennial confere.... More
19 August 2019
NBC secures backing from Santander
BPCA member NBC Environment has secured £1.2m funding with a major bank to boost the company’s growth.
As a result of a successful extensive review of NBC’s business model, the company has secured a funding pack.... More
09 August 2019
VIDEO: A practical approach to wasp management
Practical wasp management is hazardous work, which is why pest technicians can always benefit from refreshing their knowledge and improving their competency around the control of wasp nests.
In this 1-hour webinar, BPCA's Technical Off.... More
02 August 2019
HSE releases annual fatality statistics
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released its annual figures for work-related fatal injuries for 2018/19.
Alongside these figures are the statistics for people known to have died from the asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma.... More
01 August 2019
Sugar-seeking wasps spark safety message
Press release | PestAware
Wasps on the hunt for a sugar hit could pose a risk to children and the elderly during the school summer holidays.
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is urging families and businesses to act now b.... More
31 July 2019
Abstract submissions sought for ICUP 2020
The organising committee of the next International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) are welcoming abstract submissions from those working, or researching, within the field of urban pest management.
The deadline for offers of abstracts is 16.... More
24 July 2019
Dealey named Future50 company
The future looks bright for fumigation specialists and BPCA members, Dealey Environmental, following the company’s inclusion in East Anglia’s Future50 programme this year.
A list of businesses handpicked from across Norfol.... More
22 July 2019
Critical update to permanent rodenticide baiting conditions
Conditions under which permanent baiting with rodenticide is allowed have been updated by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK to cover a critical difference between outdoor and indoor locations.
In both situations, CR.... More
22 July 2019
VIDEO: Risk management assessments for pest management professionals
A health and safety risk assessment considers the hazards present in a task or activity. RAs looks at the likelihood of harm that might occur and the severity of that harm.
In this 1 hour webinar, Technical Officer Natalie Bungay.... More
19 July 2019
CRRU-style stewardship regime adopted by Jersey Gov
The Government of Jersey is introducing rodenticide stewardship covering the sale and use of professional rodenticides, to help reduce the risk of poisoning non-target wildlife.
Modelled on the Campaign for Responsible Rode.... More
18 July 2019
CONSULTATION: General licences in Scotland to be examined
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has announced a consultation on the general licences for wild bird management, in response to an ongoing legal challenge in England.
For the next 12 weeks, SNH will be taking feedback on the.... More
17 July 2019
Stay alert to membership fraud
Being a full BPCA member is a mark of quality and professionalism. The entry criteria and ongoing requirements for membership are the highest in the pest management industry.
Fortunately, cases of BPCA membership fraud are.... More
17 July 2019
MIDS pest technician forum "great success"
It was a relaxed and fun day at the first MIDS technician forum in Hertfordshire last week.
Planned and hosted by Steve Middleton at MIDS Pest Control, the day was supported by BPCA and several of the sector’s manufacturers and distri.... More
17 July 2019
Syngenta App aims to keep pest techs up to date on the go
A new Syngenta Professional Pest Management App, designed to help technicians get the best out of products, is now available for download to smartphones and tablets.
The App provides instant access to essential inform.... More
17 July 2019
UK pest technicians wanted for Australian adventure
Want to trade the British winter for an Australian summer? CPS is looking for exceptional pest technicians to join their ranks during their peak season.
An Australian company, Competitive Pest Services, is currently recruiting two techn.... More
16 July 2019
1env get muddy for Macmillan
BPCA member 1env Solutions sent a team along to the Nuclear Mud Race this year, raising just almost £2000 for Macmillan Cancer Support and the British Heart Foundation.
The five-person team&nb.... More
15 July 2019
Use up your Ficam D, says Bayer
Following changes to the Ficam® D label, pest controllers are being reminded by BPCA member Bayer to use up any stocks with old labels, displaying HSE 4829, by 25 July 2019.
Alternatively, you can replace the label on your old stock wit.... More
11 July 2019
Jim Kirk appointed Manufacturers and Distributors Committee Chair
We’re pleased to announce that Jim Kirk has been appointed as the new Chair of the Manufacturers and Distributors Committee.
The selection was made by the members of the committee on 8 May and confirmed by BPCA’s Executive Board.... More
11 July 2019
PMA give evidence on glue boards at Scottish Parliament
On 20 June 2019, as part of an ongoing petition by campaigners to ban the sale and use of glue traps, the Pest Management Alliance (PMA) were invited to give evidence to the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee.
T.... More
09 July 2019
Asian hornet sighting confirmed in south Hampshire
Last Wednesday the National Bee Unit confirmed a sighting of an individual, female Asian hornet in New Milton, Hampshire, after it was reported by a member of the public.
The first confirmed sighting in the UK since O.... More
02 July 2019
Killgerm celebrates Germany move with casino night
BPCA member company Killgerm began a new chapter in May, when they officially opened their new office in Germany with a stylish, casino-themed launch party.
Located at Taubental industrial estate, Killgerm Germany made the m.... More
02 July 2019
Monty Python actor warns of Deathwatch Beetle threat to UK churches
British comedian and documentary filmmaker Michael Palin is supporting the future of the UK’s historic churches and chapels with a voiceover for a new animated film.
The 80 second animation, produced for the National Church.... More
28 June 2019
'Watch out for wasps' says BPCA member Bayer
Signs of a second bumper wasp season in as many years are being seen across the country and BPCA member Bayer suggests the mild winter is to blame.
In a press release published this week, Bayer national account and technical.... More
27 June 2019
VIDEO: General licences for bird control; update and next steps
An update on the current (June 2019) bird general licence situation in England.
This webinar will have the most current advice for pest controllers who lethally control pest bird species. During the webinar, we looked at the benefits of thi.... More
13 June 2019
Defra release three new general licences for bird control
Three new general licences for the killing or taking of wild birds in England will be issued at 00:01 on Friday 14 June, says Defra.
The recent call for evidence demonstrated a range of impacts that individuals and groups experi.... More
06 June 2019
Bee removal and Glis glis added to Find a pest controller tool
The ever-popular BPCA Find a pest controller tool now includes options for ethical bee removal and Glis glis treatments.
BPCA member companies that offer bee removal (rather than insecticide treatments) or specialist Gli.... More
04 June 2019
BPCA marks World Pest Day 2019 with message to local authorities
Today is World Pest Day and to celebrate we’re launching a targeted campaign to local authorities.
We’re urging councils across the UK to put pest management firmly on their radar, highlighting the threat to society and the knoc.... More
29 May 2019
New general licences grind to a stop after Defra take over control from Natural England
New general licences for bird control, such as the all-important feral pigeon and gull control for the purpose of public health, are to be delayed.
BPCA has confirmed that new licenses will not be published according to Natural England&rsqu.... More