04 May 2020
GET INVOLVED: Proud to protect video for World Pest Day - win pest control goodies
For World Pest Day this year (6 June), BPCA want to produce a video about the brilliant work members do to protect public health and safety.
And we need members help!
We’d like you to record a 20-second video of yours.... More
01 May 2020
Pest controller to feature in Top Trumps deck of UK essential workers
A brand new edition of Top Trumps is honouring Covid 19 key workers.
Pest controllers will feature alongside doctors, nurses, sea merchants, journalists and partners of key workers in the new deck.
One of the fo.... More
01 May 2020
BPCA launches new online classroom with resistance training
BPCA is delivering specialist pest control training via its new virtual classroom. Understanding Genetic Resistance in Pests will run first in May, then June at a special introductory discount rate.
With Covid-19 putting an end to.... More
30 April 2020
PPC99 out now
Professional pest controller magazine issue 99 is out now and available to read online for free.
The magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF or you can join our Affiliate Scheme and request a hard c.... More
30 April 2020
Ask the technical team May 2020
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
In this Covid-19 special, our technical team answer questions about postponed events, essential work, can pests be Covid-19 carriers and PPE in this issue.
When you’re a BP.... More
30 April 2020
INFOGRAPHIC: Covid-19 impact survey results
Health, safety and business| PPC99 May 2020
BPCA surveyed pest professionals on the impact Covid-19 is having on the sector. Over 900 people answered the survey. Here are the initial findings.
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30 April 2020
Keep rats out of the attic: mental health resilience for pest pros
Health | PPC99 May 2020
We all know that we have to look after our physical health when we’re working, but how often do we stop and think about our mental wellbeing?
BPCA Marketing and Communications Officer, Kat Shaw.... More
30 April 2020
Meet the members: Rising to the challenge
Membership| PPC99 May 2020
PPC talked to the membership at large, about the proactive steps taken to meet the Covid-19 crisis head-on. Your responses are still coming in, but here are a just a few collated at the time of publicati.... More
30 April 2020
Challenge or chore? An introduction to insect ID
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
In this article Clive Boase, Principal Consultant at The Pest Management Consultancy explains the importance of correct insect identification and how you can make a start on learning the basics.
.... More
30 April 2020
Floods! Work study and opportunities for pest professionals
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
Back in January and February much of the UK was underwater. Homes, businesses and public spaces were flooded, bringing with them a wave of pest-related issues.
BPCA member, Killgerm, has produced a hand.... More
30 April 2020
I wish I could fly! Pest control surveys with drones
Business feature | PPC99 May 2020
We asked PPC Live speaker, and drone pilot, Clark Smith-Stanley from Profile Drone Services to give us an insight into what it is to fly drones for commercial survey work.
Drones.... More
30 April 2020
Sharps! Needlestick injury awareness for pest professionals
Health and Safety | PPC99 May 2020
Katie Martinelli from High Speed Training talks us through mitigating the risks of needle stick injuries when carrying out pest management work.
Around 100,000 needlestick injuries are.... More
30 April 2020
Friendwatch: Water voles
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
The water vole population in the UK has fallen dramatically since the 1960s, from around eight million to the most recent estimate, from the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, of 875,000.
.... More
30 April 2020
Member benefit in focus: Find a pest controller
Membership | PPC99 May 2020
Rated as the second-best member benefit, beaten only by the BPCA logo and the doors it opens, our Find a pest controller tool is trusted across the country.
The tool has changed a lot over the.... More
30 April 2020
Dear CPD Diary
Training | PPC99 May 2020
In this article, we asked our BPCA Registered team to provide some continuing professional development inspiration for pest professionals.
BPCA Registered has been up and running for.... More
30 April 2020
Learn to fight pests in cyber space
Training | PPC99 May 2020
BPCA is no stranger to digital pest management training. With award-winning eLearning, free online webinars and now digital pest forums, we asked BPCA Training Manager, Karen Dawes, what’s next.... More
30 April 2020
Free overdue invoice reminder support for businesses
Debt recovery specialists Direct Route are offering an invoice reminder service for the price of a £1 donation to the NHS, to help pest management companies keep cash flow steady during the pandemic.
These are difficult ti.... More
29 April 2020
New legal helpline and video calls for BPCA members
BPCA has teamed up with top law firm Shakespeare Martineau to offer a free legal helpline and video chats for members who are concerned about the impact of Covid-19 on their business.
Shakespeare Martineau, said:
“Coro.... More
28 April 2020
SURVEY: Bayer on wasp control
BPCA member Bayer are looking for pest management professionals to complete their survey on wasp control.
Wasp season is upon us, as the queens have begun 'waking' and seeking out spots to build their nests.
Soon, pes.... More
24 April 2020
Covid-19 testing for key workers
On 23 April the UK government announced that key workers who are showing symptoms of Covid-19 will be eligible to apply for a test.
The test will enable essential workers to find out whether they have the virus, meaning.... More
24 April 2020
New health and safety review toolbox talk
A new health and safety talk template, for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).
Available to BPCA members only, the toolbox talk is designed to get p.... More
23 April 2020
BPCA releases CPD assignments for pest professionals
To give pest professionals a new way to keep up with their continuing professional development (CPD), BPCA is now issuing downloadable CPD assignments.
Karen Dawes, BPCA Training manager, said:
“Conducting research and comp.... More
22 April 2020
HSE issues workplace social distancing warning
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has warned employers it will hand out enforcement notices to those who do not comply with the two-metre social distancing rule in workplaces that remain open during the coronavirus outbreak.
.... More
22 April 2020
Natural England: Update on individual licences for the control of gulls
Natural England has issued an update ahead of issuing individual bird control licences this month, with suggestions that the number of applications exceeds the level of lethal control allowed while still maintaining conservation of these sp.... More
21 April 2020
GVS talk RPE for pest professionals and Covid-19
Since a pandemic was declared in early 2020, GVS, the Anglo-Italian filtration specialist, has been playing their part in the battle against Covid-19.
Danny Barr, one of GVS' UK RPE specialists, talked us through the work GVS has been.... More
20 April 2020
Surge in pest activity in Covid-19 shutdown
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is keeping a watching brief on pest issues after a survey revealed a significant spike in rat and mice activity in the Covid-19 pandemic.
51% of pest professionals polled by B.... More
15 April 2020
New cost-benefit analysis of postponing pest control services template available for BPCA members
BPCA has released a letter template for pest management companies to help explain the importance of continuing ongoing site protection during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The letter includes the pros and cons of suspending proactive (routine) pes.... More
14 April 2020
Dealey's Martin Cobbald appears on Leaders Council podcast
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland invited Martin Cobbald, from BPCA member company Dealey, onto an episode of their podcast to talk about leadership qualities.
The podcast features leadersh.... More
14 April 2020
Scottish Natural Heritage: gull licence process reminder
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) are urging pest controllers to double check they're sending the correct information when applying for licences for gull control, in order for applications to be processed without delays.
At th.... More
13 April 2020
Key worker status confirmed by UK government
Pest management has been confirmed as an essential sector during the Covid-19 pandemic by George Eustice, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
According to Defra, pest management is covered in the key worker l.... More
09 April 2020
Metex Nordisk Rat Blocker Achieves WRc Approval
BPCA Manufacturing and Distributor members, Metex, were given approval by the Water Research Centre (WRc) for their drain proofing product, the Nordisk Rat Blocker.
The Water Industry within the UK recognise the WRc as a ben.... More
08 April 2020
New bird licences toolbox talk released for BPCA members
A new bird licensing toolbox talk template, for BPCA members and their employees to use, has been uploaded to the Member Documents Area (login required).
Available to BPCA members only, the toolbox talk is designed to get p.... More
08 April 2020
BPCA gives Gove 141 reasons pest management needs to be considered essential during Covid-19
BPCA has replied to the Minister for the Cabinet Office Michael Gove's letter on pest management professionals being key workers.
While the states pest management employees can continue to go to work, he did not agree to add pest.... More
06 April 2020
Pest professionals: continue to go to work if it's safe, says Gove to BPCA
Today (6 April 2020), the UK Government confirmed that pest management professionals can continue to go to work when it's safe to do so.
BPCA wrote to Government ministers, asking for pest management professionals to be considered ess.... More
03 April 2020
Make Covid-19 Small Business Grant Fund work for pest companies, says BPCA to Chancellor
Today (3 April 2020), BPCA has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak MP, asking him to make the Small Business Grant Fund work for our sector.
The Small Business Grant Fund requires a business to be regist.... More
03 April 2020
CEPA Covid-19 Open letter: Pest management is essential
CEPA has published an open letter, citing pest management as an essential industry for protecting key workers and calling for it to be recognised as such.
CEPA Open Letter:
With the Covid-19 crisis forcing many industries into s.... More
02 April 2020
Covid-19 business support timelines
In the last few weeks the UK Goverment has announced a raft of measures to help support businesses struggling due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The British Blind and Shutter Association has produced a handy graphic which ti.... More
02 April 2020
Anne Godfrey to leave Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has today announced that Anne Godfrey is to leave the membership body following four successful years as Chief Executive.
Anne supported BPCA with several projects including helping to.... More
01 April 2020
13 resources for pest professionals during Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA has released 13 resources for operating essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some of these resources are free for everyone, while others are for BPCA members only.
The resources available are:
NEW Client information.... More
01 April 2020
BPCA hit the airwaves on LBC radio show
Yesterday (31 March) our campaign to make councils reconsider reducing bin collections featured on LBC radio.
LBC, which stands for 'Leading Britain's Conversation', has more than 2 and a half million listeners each week.&n.... More
01 April 2020
[SURVEY] We think you’re essential – help us tell the world
Pest management is essential for protecting public health and safety. You know it. We know it. Now it’s time to tell the world.
Take the survey now
. More
01 April 2020
Natural England: updates on licences for bird and stoat control
Natural England (NE) is continuing to receive large numbers of applications for individual licences for gulls and other bird species.
On 30 January Natural England released details of changes to the individual licences for the control.... More
31 March 2020
BPCA adds toolbox talk resources for members
BPCA has added new CPD resources for member companies who want to deliver high-quality, in-house CPD for their employees.
The new section on the website currently includes:
A blank toolbox talk template with guidance&n.... More
31 March 2020
Keeping pests at bay in Covid-19 pandemic
HOUSEHOLDERS are being urged to be vigilant to pest infestation during the Covid-19 crisis.
The move comes as some local authorities struggle to maintain refuse collection services.
National trade body, the British Pest Control A.... More
30 March 2020
CEPA update: European pest management amid Covid-19
CEPA, the European Pest Management Solutions Professional Association, has launched several initiatives this week, to keep pushing for more recognition for the pest management industry's valuable work during the Covid-19 crisis.
Pe.... More
30 March 2020
BPCA releases letter of endorsement templates to help essential workers get on site
BPCA has created two templates to help our members keep their employees working on critical sites during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Currently, people in the UK can continue to go to work if their work cannot be done from home.
During.... More
30 March 2020
VIDEO: PPC Live 2020 – Technical excellence in action
Can you spot yourself in our PPC Live 2020 video? With record attendance figures, PPC Live was completely unique with loads of exhibitors, technical talks and demonstrations.
Take a look at the highlight reel now.
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27 March 2020
FAQ: Pest management and Covid-19
Frequently asked questions for pest management professionals amid the Covid-19 pandemic
Q: Why is BPCA saying I should go to work when the Government says we shouldn’t leave home?
We’re not. It’s up to you (and your emp.... More
27 March 2020
Scottish general licence changes coming
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has announced that the new general licence will, from 1 April, only cover two species – Canada Goose and feral pigeon.
All wild birds, their eggs and nests are protected by law.
General.... More
27 March 2020
BPCA calls for parking charges to be scrapped amidst Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA has written to all 33 local authorities in London, asking for parking charges to be scrapped during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The open letter reads:
RE: Parking Enforcement in London
FAO: To all Chief Executives of L.... More