27 February 2020
PPC Live 2020: Online showguide
Welcome to the PPC Live showguide: your definitive look at what’s happening at the biggest pest event of the year.. More
26 February 2020
PestWatch: What’s ticking off your dog?
Dee Ward-Thompson investigates a type of tick you might not have come across yet but is slowly becoming more prevalent in the UK. . More
26 February 2020
Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Specialist contracts and legal services expert BEB Consultancy talk to PPC about written contracts for pest management work.. More
26 February 2020
Keep your contracts watertight
Which? Trusted Traders gives us some top tips for making sure you don’t lose money because of a contract.. More
26 February 2020
Guess Whose Poo
Poo identification guide for pest management professionals.. More
26 February 2020
President's report: Writing the history of pest management
BPCA President Phil Halpin takes a look back at the highlights of a successful and noteworthy 2019 for the Association.. More
26 February 2020
Treasurer's report: Nine years of membership growth
Mark Williams, Honorary Treasurer on BPCA's Executive Board, assesses the Association's finances for 2019. More
26 February 2020
INFOGRAPHIC: the year in numbers
It's been a great year at the BPCA, with a successful PestEx and new initiatives like BPCA Registered. Take a look at the key figures from our 2019 annual report. . More
26 February 2020
Come on Board!
Alan Morris, Country Head at Bayer Environmental Science, describes his time on the BPCA Executive Board as he leaves after seven and a half years.
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26 February 2020
Designed for Committee?
Leaving the Servicing Committee after almost 13 years, Jenny Humphrey spoke to us about her tenure and why she would recommend taking your place at the table.. More
06 February 2020
BIG BIRD WRAP-UP: General and individual licences for bird control in the UK
This quick view page will give you all the headline information and latest updates on general and individual licences in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.. More
05 February 2020
Coronavirus: advice for employers
Do employers need to take any steps, now the first cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in the UK?. More
03 February 2020
BPCA launches #WeAreBPCA campaign
After the success of the Be Protected. Professionally. campaign, BPCA has launched a new pest awareness message and is asking members to get involved. . More
28 January 2020
VIDEO: Environmental risk assessments and non-toxic pest control
Watch back our video on the key points to consider when conducting an Environmental Risk Assessment to include non-chemical control.. More
23 January 2020
Pest magazine sold to Lewis Business Media
Pest and Pest+ enews were sold yesterday (22 Jan 2020) by owners Foxhill Publishing.. More
22 January 2020
Stakeholders urged to sign CEPA Memorandum
Professional pest management companies, and any business using the services of one, are urged to put pen to paper and sign the CEPA Memorandum of Understanding. . More
16 January 2020
How to boost your Find a pest controller profile
In this step-by-step guide for BPCA members, we show you how to make the most of your Find a pest controller profile. . More
09 January 2020
Employment law changes for 2020
A quick round-up on the changes to employment law coming up in the UK this year.. More
08 January 2020
Plan your pest control training, development and CPD for 2020
CPD is an essential part of your year. How about taking some time at the start of 2020 to plan it out? BPCA has developed a training and development template to help!
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16 February 2020
Volunteers wanted: BPCA Executive Board
BPCA is looking for people from member companies to join the Executive Board and drive the mission of the Association.. More
08 January 2020
PPC Live 2020 schedule announced
The full schedule for PPC Live 2020 has been announced and we’ve packed it with illustrious speakers from across the sector. . More
07 January 2020
Remembering Peter Bateman
It's with sadness that we learned this week of the passing of former BPCA President, Peter Bateman.. More
11 December 2019
VIDEO: Inspection and control of bed bugs
Watch back our webinar on inspection and control of tricky bed bugs. This is the second video, following on from our bed bugs basics webinar.. More
10 December 2019
End of year and election reflections from BPCA
December is always a great time for reflection and looking forward to the new year. BPCA takes a look at where we’ve been, where we’re going and gives us a round-up of what a BPCA election manifesto might look like. . More
13 November 2019
PPC97 out now
Professional pest controller magazine issue 97 is out now and available to read online for free or downloaded as a PDF.. More