21 August 2019
Pest awareness for everyone
Jane Shepherd from BPCA’s agency, Shepherd PR, talks about why it’s important to have a concentrated PR effort.. More
22 July 2019
Critical update to permanent rodenticide baiting conditions
Conditions under which permanent baiting with rodenticide is allowed have been updated by CRRU UK to cover a critical difference between outdoor and indoor locations.. More
22 July 2019
VIDEO: Risk management assessments for pest management professionals
A health and safety risk assessment considers the hazards present in a task or activity. RAs looks at the likelihood of harm that might occur and the severity of that harm. . More
11 July 2019
Jim Kirk appointed Manufacturers and Distributors Committee Chair
BPCA's Executive Board confirmed the selection of a new Chair in May this year. . More
27 June 2019
VIDEO: General licences for bird control; update and next steps
An update on the current (June 2019) bird general licences issued by Defra and Natural England in England.. More
28 May 2019
PPC95 out now
Professional pest controller magazine issue 95 is out now and available to read online for free. The magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF.. More
28 May 2019
INFOGRAPHIC: PestEx the pest management show 2019 in numbers
Need proof that PestEx is the biggest and most significant event in the professional pest management diary? Take a look at our infographic to see how the show has grown and improved over the years.. More
28 May 2019
Creating excellence in cockroach baiting programmes
Steve Broadbent from Ensystex is back, this time we’re talking about what makes for a precise and targeted baiting programme.. More
28 May 2019
Mite monitoring and biology for pest management professionals
Mites are small. Really small. Infestations are notoriously hard to spot until a site has a massive problem with a large population of mites. Can you confirm if your customer has mites early?. More
28 May 2019
Wax moths: communal pupal chambers and inquilines
BPCA Consultant member John Lloyd is back in PPC, giving us advice on how to spot and treat for these rare pests.. More
28 May 2019
Pest controller and customer relationships in flea treatments
Richard Moseley of Bayer CropScience investigates what a pest management professional can do to foster a strong customer relationship.. More
28 May 2019
PestWatch: Cluster flies
BPCA Field Officer, Natalie, is back again with some more seasonal pest management advice. This PestWatch we’re taking a look at the tiny cluster fly. . More
28 May 2019
Protect and profit: All things Apis mellifera (European honey bee)
The chemicals that are necessary for life as we know it in the 21st century have had widely documented negative impacts upon invertebrate. What can we as pest management professionals can do about it?. More
22 May 2019
RODENT RISKS: Pest closure and prosecution stories
Pest infestations, particularly associated with rodents, cause more emergency closures of food businesses than virtually anything else. Dr Stuart-Moonlight investigates. . More
22 May 2019
Should you finance your pest management vehicle fleet?
Leasing is rapidly becoming the go-to mobility choice for businesses running commercial vehicles. There are three key reasons why: cost, compliance and choice. . More
21 May 2019
10 things you need to know about Clean Air Zones
Will your pest management business be affected by the new Clean Air Zones? Birmingham, Bath, Leeds and Glasgow, will be introducing CAZs over the next few years.. More
21 May 2019
Daily van checks for every pest management professional
Faulty vehicles are the bane of every pest controller. They can cost your business a lot of time and money while you wait for them to be fixed. In fact, the cost of having a vehicle off the road can be as much as £1,000 per day. . More
21 May 2019
BPCA’s new Primary Authority partner
BPCA now has a Primary Authority! What is it? Why do we want one, and what it means for members? Dee explains the new partnership.. More
21 May 2019
Ask the technical team May 2019
Rodenticide confusion, open trays, resistance searches and invasive hornet questions are all in the BPCA Technical team inbox this issue. . More
21 May 2019
Pest management in developing countries: A view from Ghana
Companies outside of Britain regularly join BPCA so they can try to emulate our best practice and access our guidance materials. Take a look at one member's experience of pest control in Ghana. . More
21 May 2019
Reflective learning in pest management
Training and Development Manager, Karen Dawes, explores the ways that pest management professionals are incorporating reflection into their personal development plans. . More
13 January 2020
Logging your unstructured CPD points with BPCA Registered
Learn how to successfully log unstructured CPD points yourself with BPCA's individual recognition scheme - BCPA Registered. . More
08 May 2019
BPCA prepares to gather evidence for Defra on general licences
Defra has initiated a formal evidence gathering exercise to capture information from all concerned parties about the impact of the recent withdrawal of three general licences for bird control. BPCA is collecting evidence of members companies.. More
02 May 2019
BPCA talks general licence changes with Natural England
Yesterday (Wednesday 1 May 2019) BPCA met with Natural England to discuss how pest management professionals can continue to protect public health after general licences for bird control were revoked last week.. More
05 May 2019
Free micro-learning modules for pest management professionals
BPCA has released eight short online learning programmes covering key skills such as communication, data protection, health and safety, and management.
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