25 June 2014
Message from BPCA President
Martin Harvey of Harvey Environmental Services looks back at the Association's successes during 2014, and forward to the year ahead:
Four years ago we set out a strategy for the Association to support our members in the 21st century and bey.... More
23 May 2014
PPC Live 2014: a great success!
BPCA's new PPC Live event was a huge success with delegates and exhibitors alike. The exhibition and conference was held in the AJ Bell Stadium in Salford, Manchester on 21 May, and attracted over 340 pest controllers from across the North We.... More
13 May 2014
WIIS investigate rogue pest controllers
The Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) and its counterpart in Scotland (WIIS - Scotland) are involved in wildlife crime investigations as illustrated by the following two case studies. The WIIS was involved in the investigation of a p.... More
24 February 2014
BPCA wins European Association of the Year
The British Pest Control Association has won the prestigious ‘Association of the Year' Award from the Confederation of European Pest Management Associations (CEPA). The presentation took place at CEPA's General Assembly in Dortmund, follow.... More
16 January 2014
Waste Carrier Registration – this affects you!
Any companies removing waste from sites (even small amounts of spent bait, UV tubes or packaging) must register with the Government. If waste collection is not your main business, registration is free and only required once. This will apply to m.... More
20 December 2013
Rentokil buys pest control division of Green Compliance for £4m
Rentokil Initial is to buy the pest control division of Green Compliance. Rentokil is paying a total of £4m in cash for the company, comprising £3.25m in an initial consideration and a further £0.75m payable over 12 months. Phill.... More
25 November 2013
BPCA gives out 43,507 referrals to members in 2013
From 1 January until 31 December 2013, 43,507 details have been passed on to the public for both domestic and commercial jobs. If each referral was worth just £50 that would be over £2,000,000 of potential business we're giving to ou.... More
07 November 2013
BPCA comments on recent rodenticide resistance stories
Technical Manager Richard Moseley said "cases of resistance in rats have been known for decades." A study being undertaken by the Universities of Huddersfield and Reading began around three years ago and will eventually document where the highes.... More
27 September 2013
Starting out in pest control
Are you fairly new to the industry and thinking of setting up your own pest control company? Why not book your place on our 'Starting out in pest control course' this October. This one day course is designed for anyone considering a new career or.... More
17 September 2013
Jonathan Peck - industry mourns
The news that Jonathan Peck lost his battle with cancer on Sunday 15 September was received by both the staff team and Executive Board with great sadness.
There's little we can tell you about Jonathan that you probably don't already know, eit.... More
22 March 2013
HSE release summary of responses for Risk Mitigation Measures
The HSE consulted industry on our views regarding their proposals for SGARs. The summary of responses is now available here. BPCA will be attending a meeting in April to take this further with HSE. The summary of responses to the stakeholder engag.... More
11 February 2013
British Pest Control Association comments on fox attack
Technical Manager Richard Moseley said "although fox attacks on humans are very rare, this doesn't mean we should dismiss the recent incident of the baby boy being attacked as an isolated incident."
When asked there would be a call for a cull.... More
17 January 2013
Helicopter crash devastates the pest control industry
Reports have confirmed Matthew Wood, a Rentokil employee from Sutton was sadly killed in the helicopter crash in Vauxhall, London, while he made his way to work. A statement from Rentokil CEO, Alan Brown said "we can confirm that our Rentokil Init.... More
07 January 2013
Rats blamed for blaze - save yourself from similar devastation
Rats could be to blame for a fire at a coach firm, destroying three coaches and three minibuses in Hedge End, near Southampton. Fire investigators have concluded that the most likely cause of the fire was a spark from an electrical fault, wh.... More