28 February 2018
New pest advice blog launched for pest awareness week - PestAware
BPCA's new consumer-facing blog has launched. PestAware provides domestic and commercial pest advice, encouraging potential clients to use the find a pest controller tool.
PestAware – the pest control blog is our commitment t.... More
26 February 2018
Pest Awareness Week kicks off with war on litter to tackle rodent numbers
Press release | PestAware
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is urging the public to be mindful of the link between pests and litter as part of a week-long event to raise awareness of the issue of species such as rats and mic.... More
26 February 2018
Everything you need to know about heat treatments for bed bugs
Buyers guide | PestAware
Heat treatments are a chemical-free method of pest control used to treat bed bugs by raising the temperature of an affected room.
David Hammond is the inventor of heat treatment technologies. He tells us ho.... More
23 February 2018
Surge in poison-resistant rat numbers
Press release | PestAware
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is highlighting the importance of expert pest control after a report revealed a new generation of rats carrying a genetic mutation which makes them resistant to co.... More
23 February 2018
Pest Control in the hospitality industry according to the Hygiene Doctor
Guest blog | PestAware
Pest control is very important to the hospitality industry. Failure to control pests can lead to serious legal consequences including the closure of the premises, fines and prosecutions, and catastrophic drops in foo.... More
23 February 2018
Green pest control - Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Smarter pest control | PestAware
For many premises managers, a proactive pest management strategy is low down the list of business priorities. But when selecting a pest control contract, care should be given to specify a contractor that ca.... More
22 February 2018
Do I need pest control?
Pest management | PestAware
Maybe you've spotted a rat in your garden or discovered a wasp nest in your shed. Perhaps you suspect your favourite furniture is infested with biting insects. Might your company stockroom be rife with unwe.... More
20 February 2018
Fumigants and Pheromones Conference in Indianapolis
Insects Limited and FSS will be hosting the 13th Fumigants & Pheromones Conference 12-14 June 2018 at the Indiana State Museum in downtown Indianapolis, USA.
Throughout the past 25 years, this biennial conference has followed the th.... More
13 February 2018
Beating resistance, not just from the rats...
Mike Ayers, Director of Precision Pest Management and BPCA Executive Board Member shares his thoughts on why it’s now more important than ever, for BPCA members to mobilise and consider the bigger picture of pest control, and join the Be P.... More
09 February 2018
BPCA’s PrintShop open for business
BPCA’s newest member benefit is now open for business. The online PrintShop allows members to personalise quality design templates for information and promotional purposes.
A means of improving how, particularly smaller compa.... More
09 February 2018
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Sam Walker
Sam Walker, from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called "Air Rifles; Safe cleaning and transportation". We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
It is esti.... More
09 February 2018
Pest Awareness Week is just rubbish
The inextricable link between litter and pests is clear. More rubbish, particularly food stuffs, supports the emergence of pests, and rodent infestations particularly.
Research from the Animal and Plant Health Agency explored hou.... More
02 February 2018
Pest controllers updated about rodenticide resistance concerns
A new study by Reading University has identified "the massive extent of L120Q resistance across the whole of central southern England." Co-author Dr Colin Prescott explains that L120Q is the most severe form of rodenticide resistance identified to.... More
19 January 2018
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - John Dowling
John Dowling will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called "The end of my Tether – birds of prey and pest control". We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
About me and John Dowling Falconry
I had been a Bird fanatic si.... More
16 January 2018
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Matthew Davies
Killgerm's Group Head of Technical Department, Matthew, will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called Options for mosquito management in the UK. We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
A bit of background on Matthew
I am the He.... More
16 January 2018
Have your say: Consultation on proposed enforcement for the Invasive Alien Species Regulation
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has opened consultation of a proposed enforcement regime for the EU Invasive Alien Species Regulation in England and Wales.
BPCA members are encouraged to make their views k.... More
16 January 2018
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Savvas Othon
Rentokil Initial's Group Science and Innovation Director, Savvas Orthon, will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called Technology vs Technicians – how everybody wins (except the rats). We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
.... More
04 January 2018
The January I started out in pest control - Asa's story
Asa Goldschmied, Founder and Director of Proton Environmental, started out in the pest management industry five years ago now. He looks back at what it was like to change careers and his first tricky January in the business.
.... More
02 January 2018
Servicing Members must pass their EN16636 audits in 2019
As of 1 January 2019, the BPCA Membership criteria will be amended to state that all Servicing Members must have passed their EN16636 audits.
Members must make sure all non-conformities are closed out by the deadline date, or they will be una.... More
02 January 2018
IPCA Diploma now accepted for BPCA membership
The Irish Pest Control Association (IPCA) Diploma is now an accepted qualification when applying or renewing BPCA Servicing Membership.
The membership criteria for all Servicing Member states that “all staff involved in the eradic.... More
02 January 2018
BPCA Release New Code of Best Practice on Snap Back Traps
The new Code of Best Practice for The Use of Break Back Traps/Snap Traps has been released by BPCA.
BPCA Codes of Best Practice (COBP) are written rules which explain how people working in the pest management industry should behave.... More
20 December 2017
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Gary Williams
Urban Wildlife's Director of Wildlife, Gary Williams, will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called Actions vs impacts – a pest controller’s quandary. We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
As a young.... More
19 December 2017
CEPA appoints new secretariat and sets sights on self-regulation for professional pest management in EU
At its quarterly meeting in Brussels on 13 December 2017, CEPA (Confederation of European Pest Management Associations) confirmed the appointment of the consultancy Darwin Associates to take charge of running the CEPA secretariat in Brussels as of.... More
13 December 2017
Healthguard moves to larger premises to meet expansion goals
BPCA Servicing member, Healthguard Ltd, is all set to move to their new 2000 square foot unit in Lincolnshire.
The move was sparked by their ambitious expansion plans for continued organic growth and expansion by acquisition following the rec.... More
13 December 2017
New year arrangements for farm assurance schemes announced
Under transitional arrangements agreed between the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) UK, all relevant stakeholder organisations and the Government Oversight Group1 (chaired by the Health and Safety Executive), members of farm.... More
13 December 2017
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Dave Archer
Dave Archer will be leading a seminar at PPC Live called Much ado about moleing. We catch up with him to see what we should expect.
Dave's experience
I have been involved in professional pest control for 40 years. I have a prefer.... More
12 December 2017
Moment of truth for world’s largest island eradication project
Globally important bird sanctuary of South Georgia monitored to determine the success of a rodent eradication project.
This Antarctic summer, three dogs, 15 people and three vessels will take part in the fourth phase of the South Georgi.... More
12 December 2017
Pelsis wins Yorkshire business award
BPCA Manufacturing and Distribution member, Pelsis, have won the 2017 SME of the year award at the Yorkshire Business Awards.
The awards celebrate the very best of Yorkshire businesses, and Pelsis was up against some outstanding local com.... More
08 December 2017
BPCA lobby Natural England on delay in securing bird licences
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has written to Natural England expressing concern over the length of time class licences are currently being issued.
In a letter to Natural England, BPCA stated concern for food saf.... More
07 December 2017
The last Regional Forum of the year
A few of the BPCA Staff team headed off to Wensum Valley in Norwich earlier this week to host the last Regional Forum of 2017.
They were joined by nine exhibitors including the sponsors for the day 1env.
Agenda for the day
BPC.... More
07 December 2017
Eleven assurance schemes compliant with the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime
Eleven assurance schemes with combined memberships of 95,000 farm businesses will be compliant with the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime for 2018.
They are:
AIC's Trade Assurance Scheme for Combinable Crops
British Egg Industry Cou.... More
07 December 2017
New home for PestTech 2017
The days of sitting in a huge queue in the carpark full of packed up exhibitors, trying to squeeze out of the Motorcycle Museum are all over.
PestTech has officially moved on to pastures new – making its new home with the Wasps at Co.... More
07 December 2017
PPC Live: Meet the speaker - Ben Massey
BPCA Marketing and Communications Manager, Ben Massey, will be leading seminar at PPC Live called No in-house marketing guru? No problem! – Marketing for smaller companies. We catch up with him to see what we should expect. .... More
07 December 2017
Excel Environmental Services achieves Investors in People accreditation
BPCA Servicing Members, Excel Environmental Services has achieved the prestigious Investors in People Accreditation.
Investors in People is a standard for people management, offering accreditation to organisations that adhere to th.... More
07 December 2017
Pest management associations from across the globe meet at PestWorld
During its recent annual convention, PestWorld, the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) hosted a meeting of the Global Pest Management Coalition to discuss the structure of the organization and its focus areas for the coming year.
.... More
07 December 2017
Employers’ liability insurance – what is it and do you need it?
...that all employers are responsible for the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees and if an employee is injured whilst at work they can look to their employer for compensation? The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory.... More
29 November 2017
Pest Advice for controlling Bats
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 provides protection for all species of bat found in the United Kingdom.
It is illegal to kill, or even disturb, bats in their roosts.
If bats are present, and there is a possibility of them b.... More
29 November 2017
Pest Advice for controlling Ants
The commonest species that invades houses is the Black Garden Ant, which is actually very dark brown. All ants have the main divisions of the body (head, thorax, abdomen) distinctly separated by very narrow waists and have a sharp elbow joint in.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Bed bugs
Found some unexplained reddish brown spots on your bedding? Been bitten while slumbering? And have you ever wondered if bed bugs live anywhere other than your mattress?
Find out everything you need to know about one of the most detested pes.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Bees
There are over 200 types of Bees in the UK, including 25 types of bumblebees! We've listed some of the most common here. Different types of bee may require different treatment methods. Note: pest controllers do not apply bee treatments unless ther.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Beetles
The main types of Beetle in the UK and we've got information on more of the types of Beetle you're likely to encounter.
Biscuit Beetle
Carpet Beetle
Death Watch Beetle
Furniture Beetle (Woodworm)
Ground Beetle
Larder Beetle
Longho.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Biscuit Beetle
The Biscuit Beetle is found worldwide but more commonly in temperate latitudes. It is common throughout the UK, especially in food storage and retailing premises, and are frequently encountered in a domestic property. They are small reddish-brow.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Black Rats
The Black Rat or Ship Rat is now rarely found in the UK. This rat that brought the Black Death across Europe and the Great Plague of London in the 17th century.
The Brown Rat is the larger of the two, often weighing ov.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Blow Flies
The term Blow Fly is a general description of a number of species of large buzzing flies, which include the Bluebottle, the Greenbottle and the Flesh Fly.
Blow flies are so called because they were believed to “.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Bluebottles
The Bluebottle is a large buzzing fly with shiny, metallic blue body, 6-12mm long. One Bluebottle can lay up to 600 eggs, which in warm weather will hatch in under 48 hours and produce maggots which can become fully developed in a week. These ma.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Booklice (Psocids)
Booklice (Psocids) are very common but harmless household pests. They are not caused by poor hygiene as they are just as common in scrupulously clean homes.
These fast moving, tine, cream-coloured or light brown insects, onl.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Body Lice
Small, flat, wingless, grey parasites about 2mm long with strong claw legs and which feed on human blood. They are similar in appearance to head lice and can easily be confused.
The pearly, oval eggs or "nits" stick to hairs or fibres o.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Brown House Moth
The commonest of the so-called clothes moths, with characteristic golden-bronze wings, flecked with black, folded flat along its back. The adult is about 8mm long and prefers to run rather than fly.
They grow up to 18mm long, feeding on.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Brown Rats
The Common, Brown or Norway Rat, also known as the sewer rat, and are prevalent across the whole of the UK.
The Brown Rat is the larger of the species in the UK, often weighing over half a kilo and measuring about 23cm, with.... More
29 November 2017
Pest advice for controlling Carpet Beetle
The larvae (known as “woolly bears”) of these small, oval beetles have outstripped the clothes moths as the major British textile pest. The Variegated Carpet Beetle is 2 to 4mm long, like a small, mottled brown, grey and cream ladybi.... More