Latest UK pest control and management news for professionals

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  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Cats

    As mouse-killers their efficiency varies enormously. Few of them really come up to scratch as they cannot often get into areas where mice can live in a building. In addition, most house cats have lost the hunting ability of a good farm.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Cheese Skipper

    A small shiny black fly with reddish eyes whose slender grubs “skip” by curving their body into a ring and releasing themselves. The larvae burrow into cheese or ham and can cause internal irritation if eaten. How to get rid o.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Clothes Moths

    There are several species of clothes moths, all of them characterised by folding their wings tent-wise along their backs. The adult Common Clothes Moth is 6 to 7mm long with pale, plain golden-buff wings fringed with hair. The rarer Case-Bearing.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Cluster Flies

    These are dark greyish flies about 8mm long with yellowish hairs on the back and with overlapping wings. In autumn they congregate in large numbers in upper rooms or roof spaces of houses to hibernate. They will then reemerge in Spring to seek o.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Cockchafers

    Large blundering insects are also known as May-bugs which are attracted to artificial light and fly into houses or collide with windows on warm evenings in May and June. The adult is 20 to 25mm long with a heavily built brown body and w.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Crane Fly (Daddy-Longlegs)

    The familiar Daddy-Longlegs. A large mosquito-like fly with a long narrow body, which enters buildings in late summer. Harmless, although unpleasant in appearance. Its larva is the “leather- jacket” which damages grass roots. .... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Crickets

    Closely related to the Cockroaches, most species of cricket live outdoors, only rarely entering premises. One species, however; the House Cricket, may live within buildings throughout the year. 16mm long and yellow-brown with darker markings on.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Death Watch Beetle

    A wood-boring beetle whose grubs eat old hardwood structural timbers. Practically common in stately homes in which the beetle family has probably lived since they were built. Adults rarely fly, so infestations are diminishing as old bui.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Earwigs

    A long, narrow, brown insect 10 to 14mm long with characteristic “pincers” at one end, the earwig is often carried indoors in cut flowers or house plants and often invades from the garden through open windows, sometimes in large numb.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Field Mice

    Outdoor cousins of the House Mouse, which tend to move indoors in the winter seeking their creature comforts. It's important to understand that pest management professionals will avoid controlling field mice unless they are presenting a pub.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Flies

    A family of two-winged polluters that is, too often, tolerated within our homes. Apart from the biting flies, all species feed by vomiting saliva onto the food surface and sucking up the resulting liquid. In the course of doing so, the fly conta.... More

  • 29 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Flour Beetles

    Small reddish-brown beetles about 3-4mm long that feed on flour and cereal debris in warm buildings. These beetles are often accidentally introduced into the larder in packaging or the ingredients themselves. The commonest species are the Rust R.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Flour Mites

    A tiny, slow-moving, white or pale-brown creature measuring a barely visible 0.5mm long, with eight legs. A pest of cereals and cereal products especially if they are damp. How to get rid of Flour Mites: Burn or otherwise dispose of in.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Flour Moths

    Moths whose grubs feed on stored food - especially cereals, chocolate, cocoa, dried fruit, nuts and any flour product. Adults are mottled grey and brown and measure 10-15mm long. Larvae are a dirty white colour with brown heads and grow up to 12.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Foxes

    Many people are concerned about foxes affected by mange. A scruffy looking fox is not necessarily an ill fox. When moulting in spring, foxes look quite rough, but this does not mean they are mangy. They are typically found in woodland and open c.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Fruit Flies

    A family of very small (about 3mm) flies, some with prominent red eyes, characterised by a slow hovering flight in which the abdomen hangs down. All are associated with rotting fruit and vegetables or fermenting liquids. One species breeds in so.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Fur Beetle

    An oval black beetle 4-6mm long with a white spot on each wing case. Grubs are about 6mm long, with a tuft of golden hairs on the end of their bodies. They can often be detected by their cast-off skins as they moult. Grubs feed on fur, hair, ski.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Furniture Beetles

    A small brown beetle, 2.5-5mm long, that is the adult form of woodworm. Emerges from infested wood between May and September, especially in June and July, leaving round exit holes 1-2mm in diameter. See Woodworm Having problems.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Gnats

    The insect normally referred to as a gnat is actually a small mosquito - correct name: Culex pipiens. It is common in gardens on warm evenings. Another species, the true Window Gnat, is a slow-flying insect about 8mm long with wings more rounded.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Green Bottles

    Large buzzing flies about 9mm long with a characteristic bottle-green sheen on the back. Mostly carrion feeders that enter houses to seek places to hibernate and, in passing, may well alight on exposed foodstuffs. See Bluebot.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Ground Beetles

    These various large black or violet beetles that occasionally wander in from the garden or emerge from under doormats or not a pest and control is rarely necessary. The larger Ground Beetles can grow up to 25mm long and tend to wander i.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Harvest Mites

    A very tiny creature living in long grass but which can be carried into homes on clothing or the coats of dogs. Can give a very irritating bite. How to prevent harvest mites If you live in an area where this is common, put a proprietar.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Harvestmen Spiders

    Harmless spider-like creatures with eight exceptionally long, thin legs. They do not spin webs but occasionally wander into homes. How to get rid of harvestmen spiders Spiders, like all our native wildlife, are an important part of our.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Head Lice

    These aren't a pest problem, but a medical problem. The head louse is a blood-sucking parasite about 3mm long that adapts to the hair colour of its host. The tiny, pearly eggs or “nits” are cemented to the hair close to the scalp, an.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Hornets

    Twice the size of the common wasp and brown and yellow instead of black and yellow. It builds nests in hollow trees and similar sites. They only occasionally enter houses. For control methods, see Wasps. . More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling House Dust Mites

    Exceedingly common, these tiny creatures are of the genus Dermatophagoides. They are the primary source of the house dust allergens implicated in allergic, respiratory reactions such as asthma. Dust Mites feed on human skin scales and require bo.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling House Flies

    The Common Housefly and the Lesser Housefly are the most widespread household flies. The adult is 7-8mm long, grey in colour with black stripes on the back, with a single pair of veined membraneous wings. The large compound eyes take up most of.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling House Mice

    House mice are a part of British wildlife - but when they take up residence with you, they can be a cause for concern. Active all year round, mice are one of the most common pest species in the UK. House mice are small mammals of.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling House Moths

    Textile pests and scavengers whose grubs eat natural fabrics. Similar to Clothes Moths. See Brown House Moth and Clothes Moth. Having problems with house moths? Use a trained professional pest controller. Searc.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Lacewing

    The pale green Lacewing is a harmless wanderer from the garden or woods where its larvae prey upon other insects. It has a pale green, soft body, about 15mm long, with richly veined transparent wings folded over it when at rest. The eyes are an.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Ladybirds

    There are many types of ladybird in the UK, but quite recently, a new variety was introduced that has the potential to jeopardise the others. The Harlequin ladybird is found naturally in the Far East, including Japan and Korea. It was introduced.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Larder Beetle

    A relatively large (7-10mm) oval beetle, almost black but with a distinct pale band across the front of the wing-cases. The larvae are white after first hatching, but turn brown and are covered with tufts of bristly hair. They grow to 10-12mm lo.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Lice

    Small, flat, wingless, grey parasites about 2mm long with strong claw legs and which feed on human blood. There are two distinct forms of this sort of louse - the head louse and the body louse, but they are similar in appearance. The pe.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Longhorn Beetle

    The longhorn beetles are a cosmopolitan family of beetles, typically characterised by extremely long antennae, which are often as long as or longer than the beetle's body. See Woodworm. . More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Maggots

    The layman’s term for the legless, wriggling larval (first) stage of certain insects, usually the larvae of Flies. However, you can find larvae for all sorts of species of insects including Beetles, Moths and Fleas. How to get rid o.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Mealworm

    A term applied to the larvae of the three species of Mealworm Beetle. Adult beetles are about 15mm long, dark brown and scavenge in damp larders or down in basement food stores. They frequently breed in old birds’ nests. The larvae are lar.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Midges

    Tiny dark grey flies, only about 2mm long with hair-fringed wings, most prevalent in spring and summer near sewage works. Also known as Filter Flies or Owl Midges, their grubs perform a useful purpose because they break down organic material at.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Mites

    Barely visible to the naked eye, mites have eight legs and a round body and are seldom noticed until they have built up sufficient numbers to be a major infestation. They are not insects but are arachnids, related to spiders. The typica.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Moles

    Moles tunnel using their large two front paws to scrape away the earth and feel along tunnels with their snouts and whiskers. Because of the absence of light within their living conditions, moles have very poor eyesight so very rarely will you s.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Mosquitoes

    Most “mosquitoes” seen in houses are in fact the harmless and unrelated Crane Fly. True mosquitoes are very much smaller but have a similar long thin abdomen, long thin legs and strongly veined wings. The head has large eyes and a pr.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Moths

    Are your clothes looking a bit more than “fashionably ripped”? Has your carpet fallen victim to hungry moth larvae? And are those wings in your flour? Find out everything you need to know about moths in the UK, including how and.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Pharaoh’s Ants

    A small tropical species of ant of increasing importance in the structures of large centrally heated buildings, especially hospitals and high rise blocks of flats where it can be a serious public health pest. Remedy These ants are part.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Pigeons

    Feral pigeons foul buildings, creating unwanted "stained glass" windows and "decorated" architecture. All sorts of pests may migrate from their nests into buildings. Originally descended from the wild Rock Dove, a cliff-face dweller, these birds.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Plaster Beetle

    In a new house where plaster is still damp, or where damp plaster occurs in old property, very tiny, almost black beetles about 2mm long may be found. These are called plaster beetles. Remedy: The adults and larvae feed on microscopic.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Rats

    Have you heard scuttling under the floorboards? Can you see signs of a potential rodent nesting site? And have you ever wondered what makes a mutant rat so “super”? Find out everything you need to know about rats in the UK, incl.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Red Spider Mites

    Tiny, bright red specks, about 1mm across, sometimes move into buildings in large numbers. There are two species with several names, generally known as Red Spider Mites. Although they do no direct harm inside the house, if the mites are squashed.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Silverfish

    A cigar-shaped, silver-grey, wingless insect about 12mm long, found in damp areas commonly in kitchens and bathrooms. Nocturnal in habit, but often trapped in baths, basins or chinaware as it cannot climb the smooth surfaces. Moves quickly and h.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Slugs

    A well-known garden pest, Slugs will eat vegetation and are only occasionally found indoors, in damp areas such as cellars. Despite their appearance, Slugs are harmless and is only a minor agricultural/amenity pest. How to get rid of Slug.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Snakes

    In the UK snakes are not dealt with as pests by an average pest control company as problems are not common and dealing with snakes requires particular skills. As stated in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 it is illegal to kill, injure or se.... More

  • 28 November 2017

    Pest advice for controlling Sparrows

    Rarely a problem in domestic situations, but frequently an issue in commercial premises such as bakeries and warehouses. Sparrows can enter buildings through tiny gaps and, once in, are very difficult to remove. Remedy Proofing with ne.... More