19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Evolution of Bait Boxes
In this video, Michael Sims explains why using the Bell Labs EVO Edge is an upgrade from using other stations.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
The British Pest Control Association (.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Five Years Of Rodenticide Stewardship: What Have We Achieved
In this talk Dr Alan Buckle, Chairman, CRRU (UK), briefly reviewed the structure of the stewardship regime and its objectives.
Achievements during this period and the latest 2020 monitoring information for barn owl residues, rodenticid.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: FUTURA VLOG - Digital and sustainable Pest Control is the PRESENT
In this video blog Futura shares its vision of what modern pest management should and could look like in 2021. They promise the session will be entertaining (although they assure us Germans don't have a sense of humour).
Presented by: Danie.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Guest Speaker Discussion Bell Sensing Technologies
A Bell Sensing discussion with guest speakers Pat Lynch and Brian Hensel.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) hosts these free eve.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: How rodent behaviour influences a baiting plan
Rodent behaviour is complex and knowledge of this behaviour is essential for effective control.
In this video Sharon Hughes, BASF, covers important aspect of rodent behaviour, including neophobic behaviour, bait carriage and hoarding, forag.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: How to leverage value from a VLINK system
The VLINK Pest Network is a comprehensive remote monitoring platform brought to you by the innovators in rodent trapping.
In this video Mark Ebner, Woodstream, presents a brief overview of the system with a focus on features and functions..... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: How to solve your cockroach problems quickly and cost-effectively
In this video Helen Ainsworth, BASF, talks about taking a systematic and integrated approach to cockroach control in both domestic and commercial settings.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online. .... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Humane Rodent Control Products
In this video, Samuel Wood from Bell Labs explains why the new EVO TUNNEL is the humane choice when it comes to trapping.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
The British Pest Control As.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Introducing Selontra® - Our latest innovation, Cholecalciferol rodent bait
Selontra is the new and innovative, non-anticoagulant rodenticide bait from BASF.
It contains cholecalciferol which offers a different mode of action while balancing performance and environmental impact.
In this video Sharon Hughes, BA.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Keeping customers and staff safe in a pandemic
Vicki Sims, of BPCA member company Lady Bug Pest Control, talks through the challenges small pest businesses are facing during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Mythbusters: Common pest management theories fact-checked
In this video Dr Jonathan Wade and Alex Wade, directors at Wade Environmental, gave a talk on common myths around pest control and did some debunking.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.&nbs.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Novel Mosquito Control Techniques To Combat Mosquito Borne Infections
Mosquito transmitted diseases continue to increase their incidence and geographical locations and it is therefore more important than ever to develop effective control methods.
Factors such as increased insecticide resistance and environmen.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Pest Trending: Using data to control pests
Drawing on extensive experience from the food manufacturing and retail sectors Paul Westgate, Veritas Pest Consultancy, provides some practical tools and techniques to help collect, interpret and use data to drive towards a better level of pest.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Remote Rodent Monitoring and Trapping - TrapMe
In this video, Kim Lauridsen Hansen, Edialux, talks about remote monitoring as a new technology and how remote monitoring can benefit your business.
The TrapMe remote monitoring system will be discussed; how it works and how it provide.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Sixty Years Of Anticoagulant Resistance In The UK
Dr Alan Buckle, Rodenticide Resistance Action Group (RRAG) gives a perspective on:
Unique UK regulatory decisions that restricted the use of the most potent resistance-breakers
Relentless spread of multiple resistance mechanisms in both ra.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Smart Pest Management – Why digital pest management is the future
In this video Gary Nicholas, Bayer, talks about Smart Pest Management: a wireless network of high-tech trap sensors that provide 24/7 monitoring, real-time capture alerts and up-to-the-minute rodent activity verification.
Helping pest contr.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Terms, condition and contracts for pest management companies
Do your terms and conditions adequately cover your pest management company? We ask BEB Consulting all your contract, terms and conditions-based questions.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online. .... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: The Bed Bugs Tell Us How: Early Treatment And Monitoring
To eradicate bed bugs Nattaro Labs have developed a patented diatomaceous earth (DE) containing tape that kills bed bugs at an early stage of infestation.
Both early detection and the DE tape facilitate a successful treatment of bed bugs.&n.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: The Latest In Pest Exclusion Technology
In this video Dave Colbert, Xcluder, talks about their latest pest exclusion products and how to use them.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: UK Rodenticide - Which bait to use, and when?
In this video, Michael Sims runs through Bell's rodenticides and defines which bait to use and when.
This presentation premiered at PestExtra 2021: the pest management show online.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) host.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: Understanding pulse baiting: save time, money and bait!
Pulse baiting technique is used for all single-feed rodenticide baits. That is, only for baits where the bait is sufficiently potent that a rat or mouse can eat a lethal amount of that bait in just one single feed.
Pulse baiting is used for.... More
19 March 2021
VIDEO: PestExtra: What is the right strategy for ant colony control this spring
Ants are the uninvited summer guest in kitchen cupboards, and one of the more common pests to visit houses in the warmer months.
In this video Helen Ainsworth, BASF, looks at the different species of ant you’re likely to come acr.... More
15 March 2021
How to access PestExtra
It’s PestExtra week! This is how you access the system.
Opening time:
Tuesday 16 March 2021 - 8:30 -12:30
Wednesday 17 March 2021 - 14:00 - 20:00
Thursday 18 March 2021 - 10:00 - 15:00.
View agenda
Registe.... More
11 March 2021
Delegates reunited in first ICUP webinar
Unable to meet face-to-face nearly 500 members, representing over 50 countries, of the International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) community met up on-line for the first ICUP webinar held on 9 March 2021.
Ruben Bueno chaired t.... More
09 March 2021
Irish acquisition announced by Killgerm
BPCA member Killgerm Group Ltd announced the completion of its acquisition of Dublin-based Sprayclear Environmental Ltd.
Sprayclear is the leading supplier to the professional pest control service market in the Repu.... More
08 March 2021
UPDATED: Free Covid-19 lateral flow tests for asymptomatic key workers
In an effort to overcome the pandemic, the UK government has announced free Covid-19 lateral flow tests (LFT) for people without coronavirus symptoms.
The tests can return results in 30 minutes and will be prioritised for essenti.... More
05 March 2021
Cleankill’s Gold renewal proves dedication to staff
Cleankill Pest Control is celebrating after retaining its Investors in People Gold Award gold accreditation.
Gold accreditation demonstrates that Cleankill has a full range of important policies in place and that everyone in.... More
03 March 2021
PestExtra 2021 - what not to miss
While PestEx has left a hole in the calendar, PestExtra is shaping up to be a pretty good filler until we can get together again safely.
We’ve done our very best to make sure PestExtra has the.... More
02 March 2021
New bait station controls all main ant species
Bayer has launched a new palatable ant bait which is now available to control all major ant species in the UK.
According to Bayer, Maxforce® Pushbox offers proven control over all main ant species, including Bla.... More
02 March 2021
RRAG appoints new chairperson
Dr Matthew Davies takes over as Rodenticide Resistance Action Group (RRAG) chair, as Dr Alan Buckle steps down after more than ten years in the role.
Alan remains as a member of the group and will assist the new chair.... More
02 March 2021
Free tests from CRRU for rodenticide resistance testing
Pest management professionals are being called upon to help create a more accurate national picture of resistance to rodenticides in rats and mice.
In return, participants will get a free indication of the sample location's status fro.... More
01 March 2021
Brown marmorated stink bug spotted in UK for first time
This week the Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) has been officially reported as present and active in the UK, prompting calls for pest controllers to keep an eye out and report any sightings.
The bug is an insect .... More
26 February 2021
Professional Pest Controller issue 102 (PPC102) out now
Professional pest controller magazine issue 102 is out now and available to read online for free.
The magazine can be read online or downloaded as a PDF or you can join our&n.... More
26 February 2021
Natural England: Gull control licence screening explained
2020 was not a great year for gull licences in England. Many licences were far too late to be effective. Some never arrived at all, and many were turned down without reasons being given.
We ca.... More
26 February 2021
Breaking resistance with Selontra®
BASF has launched Selontra®, a new bait with a new active, cholecalciferol. PPC caught up with Helen Ainsworth, from BPCA member company and Selontra’s manufacturer, BASF to find out wh.... More
26 February 2021
CRRU and stewardship: crunch time
As we pass the five-year mark of rodenticide stewardship, BPCA’s Communications Officer Kat Shaw takes a look at where the regime is at and where it’s going.
.... More
26 February 2021
Opinion: Cholecalciferol - the new kid in the block
It’s rare for the UK pest management sector to get a new active ingredient, but when it does happen, it’s worth reflecting on.
We caught up with regular PPC contributor, Dave Archer an.... More
26 February 2021
Bird mites: complex and confusing
Professor Olivier Sparagano, Professor of Veterinary Parasitology at the City University of Hong Kong, shares with PPC how to correctly identify your arthropod pests to create an effective treatmen.... More
26 February 2021
Fruit flies: Horizon 2020 project addresses major invasive pests
In this article, Nikos T Papadopoulos from the Laboratory of Entomology and Agricultural Zoology at University of Thessaly, Greece, writes about the threat to fresh fruit and vegetable product.... More
26 February 2021
VIDEO: Pest management Codes of Best Practice explained
At BPCA we have a number of Codes of Best Practice and following them is a BPCA membership requirement.
In this video, Natalie looks at why these codes are important and how following them can benefit your business.
This video is inten.... More
25 February 2021
PestWatch: Rodents and glue boards
You’ve probably recently seen images on Facebook and Twitter of non-target species caught on glueboards. You may have closely followed the Scottish Parliament petition for a complete ban la.... More
25 February 2021
Opinion: Let's ban glue boards
With increasing regularity we see the misuse of rodent glue boards slammed in the press and social media; with very good reason in many cases.
Chris Cagienard, director and field biologist for BPC.... More
25 February 2021
Bayer to sell Environmental Science division
Bayer has announced it is divesting its Environmental Science Professional business, including its pest management portfolio, in order to focus on core Crop Science work.
Bayer has announced a series of decisions to acceler.... More
23 February 2021
Speed baiting training from BASF a hit
The launch of the new BASF rodenticide Selontra has seen over 800 pest controllers pass an online training course to use the product.
“As part of the product launch, we set up a training portal on th.... More
19 February 2021
Bayer to host virtual stand at PestExtra 2021
Bayer are hosting a 360° virtual stand for PestExtra 2021, our three-day event from the 16-18 March, with a 3D stand that allows you to interact with new products including the Digital Pest Management system.
.... More
19 February 2021
UPDATED: Furloughing pest management workers and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (JRS)
Furlough is the HR word of the moment, and it’s causing some confusion among employers and employees alike.
What is it and how does it work?
Find out more about the Jobs Support Scheme here.
(Article updated 19 Februar.... More
18 February 2021
Sri-Lankan based Exterminators Ltd win Covid-19 award
BPCA Observer members Exterminators Ltd, based in Sri Lanka, won the Gold Award under the SME-Service Sector category at Restart Sri Lanka Resilience Awards 2020.
The event was jointly organized by the Prime Minister.... More
17 February 2021
Killgerm unveils new wildlife conscious rat bait box
The AF® Amicus is a new species-specific bait station for Norway rat control from BPCA member Killgerm Chemicals.
It precludes entry by bank voles and wood mice, while still allowing access for Norway rats (.... More
16 February 2021
ICUP webinar registration now open
Delegates can now register for the very first free-of-charge International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) on-line webinar to be held on 9 March 2021.
To accommodate as many delegates as possible from differen.... More
15 February 2021
VIDEO: Digital Forum 7 - Insect identification
In this video, John Lloyd from Independent Pest Management & Insect Consultancy, gives a Digital Forum 7 presentation on insect identification.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) hosts these free events so everyone in.... More