09 November 2020
Defra publishes 2021 general licences for wild bird control
Today (9 November 2020), Defra has published three new general licences for wild bird control which will come into effect in England on 1 January 2021.
The licences published are:
Conservation licence GL40 (currently GL34) Read &.... More
05 November 2020
Kevin Higgins leaves BPCA as Membership Manager
We’re sad to report Kevin Higgins has said his farewells to the Association.
Kevin has been an avid supporter of BPCA for many years, as a member, a Committee Member, an Executive Board member, the President, a consultant, the M.... More
04 November 2020
BASF introduces new Cholecalciferol-based rodenticide bait in Europe
BPCA member BASF has officially launched Selontra, a new rodenticide bait for use by pest professionals.
The product contains the active substance cholecalciferol which has a different mode of action to the predominantly used anticoag.... More
04 November 2020
Rentokil launches Flexi Armour Dock pest proofing product
BPCA member Rentokil Pest Control has launched Flexi Armour Dock, an advanced pest proofing product which can be installed to dock levellers in the loading bays of supermarkets, factories and distribution centres.
Analysis of Ren.... More
03 November 2020
Opportunity to support Church Farm pest control training centre
Steve Havers, Church Farm's owner, is looking for a new tenant at the famous pest management training and product testing facility.
In 2015, PelGar leased the site for a 5-year period and established a new suite of insectaries, test r.... More
03 November 2020
Scoring a century - BPCA Registered technician aims for 100 CPD points
Each year, as part of the BPCA membership criteria, we require member company employees to gain 20 CPD points to ensure continued competence as a pest technician. It’s nice to keep the old noggin ticking over.
Not content with a mere 20.... More
03 November 2020
BPCA member Spotta puts bed bugs to the test with smart pest monitoring
In its first year of operation, Spotta’s Bed Pods have reduced the amount of bed bug incidents discovered by hotel guests from 50% to just 3.3% in its customers’ properties.
The ‘always-on’ monitoring service u.... More
02 November 2020
Covid-19 second wave and what pest companies need to know
Covid-19 cases are spiking across the UK, with the country now seeing around 20,000 cases a day and roughly 46,000 deaths linked to the disease.
England recorded Europe’s highest excess death levels duri.... More
02 November 2020
England to enter second lockdown - what does that mean for pest professionals?
On Sunday 1 November it was announced that England will go into a second "circuit breaker" style lockdown from 00:01 GMT on Thursday 5 November, which is intended to last until Wednesday 2 December.
Pubs, restaura.... More
22 October 2020
Know your zoonosis – CRRU on rodent to human disease transfer
Phil Christopher, CRRU, reminds professionals to take the opportunity to explain why we control rats, by looking at the zoonotic diseases rodents carry.
"Whenever possible, take the opportunity to explain why we control rats.... More
22 October 2020
VIDEO: Squirrel control for pest professionals
In this video Natalie discusses the key points to consider when controlling squirrels.
This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.
Information correct at the time of filming.
On BPCA Registered? Ma.... More
22 October 2020
OPINION: When will professional users of rodenticides wake up to the potential consequences of their actions?
Opinion| Rodenticide Resistance
Dr John Simmons, Acheta Consulting, writes about the consequences of not taking rodenticide resistance seriously following a CRRU statement about new survey results.
As part of our site inspectio.... More
21 October 2020
Scottish petition to ban glue boards closed
At a Scottish Parliament petitions committee meeting on 17 September, the committee agreed that the petition to ban glue boards in Scotland is to be closed.
The petitions committee recommended that restrictions on glue boards be looke.... More
20 October 2020
Going, Glowing, Gone – Syngenta release new Talon Glow
BPCA Manufacturing and Distributor member Syngenta has released a new addition to the Talon rodenticide range.
Talon® Glow has an integrated UV tracer that reveals when target pests have been successfully treated.
.... More
20 October 2020
Surprise resistance surveillance results prompt wake-up call
The spread of rats against which some rodenticides don't work has taken a "surprising and troubling" turn, according to Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use chairman Dr Alan Buckle.
New 2019-2020 survey results show not.... More
19 October 2020
Wales goes into lockdown - what does that mean for pest professionals?
Today it was announced that Wales will go into a "short, sharp" national lockdown from Friday 23 October, with people told to stay home once more.
Pubs, restaurants and non-essential shops will shut, and gathering.... More
16 October 2020
Pelsis announce launch of new electrostatic ULV fogger in fight against Covid-19
BPCA member and global manufacturer of hygiene and pest control products Pelsis Group have launched a new product to help stop the spread of Covid-19.
With regional lockdowns set to continue and strict cleaning routines enforced, busi.... More
13 October 2020
BPCA Registered: New Master Technician category available
Pest technicians on the BPCA Registered CPD scheme can now apply for our highest category level: Master Technician.
BPCA Registered is the Association's individual recognition and CPD scheme.
The scheme recognises and record.... More
08 October 2020
Bayer appoints new digital marketing specialist
Bayer Environmental Science has appointed Freddie Bendall-Brown as new digital marketing specialist, to support the business as they move towards more digital offerings.
Formerly working for a Cambridge-based B2B marketing agency, Fre.... More
07 October 2020
BPCA launches new digital event PestExtra as PestEx postponed until 2022
British Pest Control Association is launching a brand new digital event following the tough decision to postpone PestEx 2021.
Given the most recent government guidance surrounding events, BPCA has made the difficult but necessar.... More
07 October 2020
ICUP 2021 conference postponed
With much regret, the organising and executive committees of the International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) have decided to postpone the 10th ICUP Conference.
This had earlier been rescheduled to September 2021 in Barcelona, Spain.... More
25 September 2020
New business support measures announced by Chancellor
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced new business support measures that pest management companies may be able to take advantage of after the furlough scheme ends next month. Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced new business support measures.... More
24 September 2020
Interested in taking part in the Kickstart job scheme?
BPCA is considering becoming an intermediary for the Government's Kickstart scheme and is looking for member companies to register their interest in being involved.
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create new.... More
22 September 2020
CRRU announces additional biosecurity for rodent tail samples
Additional biosecurity measures when sending rat and mouse tail samples for rodenticide resistance testing have been introduced.
Farmers, gamekeepers and pest controllers are asked to follow new packaging guidance at thinkwildlife.org.... More
18 September 2020
VIDEO: Identify and understand delusional parasitosis
In this video Natalie Bungay discusses key strategies for how pest controllers can react when faced with cases of delusional parasitosis.
This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.
Information correct at th.... More
18 September 2020
JOIN IN: Two new BPCA Committees now recruiting
BPCA is calling out for employees of member companies to join our new committees. The Outreach & Communication Committee and the Professional Standards Committee will launch later this year.
The new Committees of the Board w.... More
17 September 2020
Guidance on test and trace procedures for pest management companies
BPCA has released a free guidance document for pest professionals considering implementing a test and trace procedure during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Download now
With the easing of social and economic lockdown measures, the UK Gov.... More
10 September 2020
SURVEY: Help us change licences for gull control in 2021 and beyond
After a challenging year for gull control in England, BPCA is asking the pest management community to help us make the process for getting a licence better.
BPCA has the opportunity to positively influence Natural England regarding wha.... More
04 September 2020
No UK products authorised for control of wood mice, rodenticide users reminded
Users of rodenticides covered by the UK stewardship regime are reminded that no product is authorised for control of wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), also known as long tailed field mice.
This arises from an alert to the Cam.... More
02 September 2020
Open letter to the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission: glue traps for professional use
BPCA has written to Andrew McKinlay, policy advisor for the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC), in response to a call for evidence on the use of glue traps for pest management. This response will be shared with the SAWC's Glue Traps Working.... More
02 September 2020
Bayer launch new digital rodent pest management system
BPCA member Bayer reveals a new digital pest control system, which aims to help pest management professionals control rodents in retail outlets, places of food production and warehouse facilities.
Tim Peeling, Bayer product.... More
28 August 2020
NEW customisable pest advice leaflets for members
A range of pest advice leaflets are now available for members to download, customise and print on the BPCA PrintShop (login required).
Our pest advice leaflets are a great tool for you to use when explaining the i.... More
28 August 2020
New Board members elected at BPCA 2020 AGM
At BPCA’s 2020 annual general meeting (27 August), members of the Association elected new representatives to the BPCA Executive Board.
With the Covid-19 pandemic having delayed the AGM for several months, the event was held onli.... More
28 August 2020
Three BPCA life memberships awarded at the 2020 AGM
British Pest Control Association awarded three BPCA life memberships at the 2020 AGM.
Frances McKim, Helen Riby and Jonathan Wade were all recipients of the prestigious life membership during the first ever Digital AGM on 27 Augu.... More
27 August 2020
VIDEO: BPCA Digital Forum 4 - Your digital pest event
Watch it back now - our 4th all-digital BPCA pest management Forum. Packed with industry news, guest speakers and CPD opportunities.
Speakers include Dave Archer (DKA Pest Control), Sean Parr (Pelsis) and Dr Bobby Corrigan (RmC Pest Managem.... More
21 August 2020
VIDEO: Rats and drains for pest professionals
In this video guest speaker Davy from RatDetection.com talks about the options open to pest controllers and the risks associated with dealing with rats in drains.
This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.
.... More
06 August 2020
VIDEO: Terms and conditions, contracts, force majeure and cancellations - BEB Consultancy
Learn about the importance of water-tight contracts, terms and conditions.
In this video, BEB Consultancy will cover subjects like:
What contracts and terms and conditions you need?
What is force majeure, and how could it affect.... More
05 August 2020
GALLERY: PPC magazine all 100 covers
SPECIAL | PPC100 August 2020
And here we are today with our 100th issue! Thanks to our loyal readers and contributors. We&rsqu.... More
05 August 2020
Contego launches charity fundraising pledge
BPCA member Contego continues long-standing tradition of charitable giving back with launch of its 'Pledge to Make a Difference'.
Contego got off the ground in 2004, following funding support from the Prince's Trust ch.... More
05 August 2020
Should I sign that? Contracts and small print with BEB Consultancy
In this guest blog, specialist contracts and legal services expert BEB Consultancy talk about how to approach written contracts, hidden terms and reading the small print.
Thousands of contracts are entered into every day.
The.... More
05 August 2020
PestEx 2021 exhibition stands at 50% sold or reserved
PestEx 2021 stands are already at 50% sold or reserved, as the industry looks forward to its first big event post-Covid-19 lockdown next March.
With the London ExCeL confirming that they intend to be running full scale event.... More
04 August 2020
Control silverfish professionally
TECHNICAL | PPC100 August 2020
Recent years have seen a rise in silverfish infestations and they can often be hard to control due to behaviour and habitat. We hear from global industry expert Dr Volker Gutsmann from Bayer AG, who expla.... More
04 August 2020
INFOGRAPHIC: A short history of public health pesticides
TECHNICAL | PPC100 August 2020
Looking back over one hundred issues of PPC, it’s clear that the products in our toolkits have changed considerably. We asked Alex Wade, from member company PelGar International, to look back at rod.... More
04 August 2020
New luxury hotel discount BPCA member benefit
BPCA has teamed up with new luxury hotel chain Blue Orchid Hotels, to offer discounts for members on a range of experiences and accommodation.
Here to Help London and its collaborative partners Blue Orchid Hotels and Global Hospi.... More
04 August 2020
Current pest proofing products: applications and limitations
TECHNICAL | PPC100 August 2020
Following on from his demonstration at PPC Live 2020 in Harrogate, Pestology’s Gulliver Hill talks to PPC about all things proofing.
Proofing is about denying a pest access to its en.... More
04 August 2020
Spotta’s smart pest systems attracts $1.18 million in seed funding
Investors have rewarded the commercial success of BPCA member Spotta’s smart pest systems with a $1.18 million seed funding round.
This investment is said to reflect Cambridge-based Spotta’s huge potential in global market.... More
04 August 2020
Invasive pest fears for British Museum due to Covid-19 lockdown
Priceless exhibits risk being damaged by invasive insects, due to an absence of visitors during lockdown, the British Museum has warned.
Experts at the museum have warned that the lack of tourists visiting the institution du.... More
03 August 2020
Wild Justice hearing given go-ahead over Welsh general licences
Wild Justice, the campaign group spearheaded by Chris Packham, has been granted an expedited hearing over "legality" of bird control licences issued by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
The hearing, believed to be taking place.... More
03 August 2020
Incentives for pest management professionals
Business Feature | PPC100 August 2020
In this article, Paul Bates, Managing Director at Cleankill Pest Control, talks about motivating and inspiring staff using incentives, beyond giving a simple paycheck.
Y.... More
29 July 2020
Call for BPCA members to join waste tracking user panel
The four UK governments and environment agencies are working together on a project to develop a UK-wide electronic waste tracking service to capture information on the movement of non-hazardous, hazardous and international shipments of green lis.... More