Pest control sector news and updates

Latest industry news for the UK pest management sector by British Pest Control Associaton (BPCA). Professional Pest Controller (PPC) online is packed with up-to-date business and legislation updates for pest management professionals, pest technicians and business owners. See the latest press releases from across the sector. Got a press release that should be here? Send it to us now!

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  • 07 November 2013

    BPCA comments on recent rodenticide resistance stories

    Technical Manager Richard Moseley said "cases of resistance in rats have been known for decades." A study being undertaken by the Universities of Huddersfield and Reading began around three years ago and will eventually document where the highes.... More

  • 17 September 2013

    Jonathan Peck - industry mourns

    The news that Jonathan Peck lost his battle with cancer on Sunday 15 September was received by both the staff team and Executive Board with great sadness. There's little we can tell you about Jonathan that you probably don't already know, eit.... More

  • 22 March 2013

    HSE release summary of responses for Risk Mitigation Measures

    The HSE consulted industry on our views regarding their proposals for SGARs. The summary of responses is now available here. BPCA will be attending a meeting in April to take this further with HSE. The summary of responses to the stakeholder engag.... More

  • 17 January 2013

    Helicopter crash devastates the pest control industry

    Reports have confirmed Matthew Wood, a Rentokil employee from Sutton was sadly killed in the helicopter crash in Vauxhall, London, while he made his way to work. A statement from Rentokil CEO, Alan Brown said "we can confirm that our Rentokil Init.... More