15 June 2015
Pressure mounts on SGAR abusers
A recent case in Scotland saw not only a prosecution for the individual but also his employer when a wild bird was found to have been poisoned. More
12 August 2015
Rodenticide stewardship's complex timelines clarified
Complex overlapping timelines in the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime have been published in graphical format by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU). . More
25 September 2015
Update from the Pest Management Alliance: Rodenticide Stewardship and the Professional Pest Management Sector
Two years ago manufacturers and users of anticoagulant rodenticides were presented with a clear choice; ensure stewardship of these products or potentially lose their use. The members of the Pest Management Alliance were consulted by HSE/CRRU as p.... More
09 October 2015
RSPH candidates first to achieve legally required qualification under rodenticide stewardship scheme
Candidates from Rentokil taking the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of Rodenticides became the first cohort to achieve a qualification that complies with the Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide (SGAR) s.... More
29 October 2015
Dip I accepted by CRRU
For anyone who wishes to purchase or use professional use rodenticides from next year, a number of existing training certificates were grandfathered by CRRU including the BPC Diploma Part 1 from 1998 - 2004.. More
17 December 2015
Major wholesalers withdraw cruel rodent glue traps following HSI-UK’s Unstuck Campaign
Wholesalers, professional pest control industry experts and the RSPCA are getting behind Humane Society International/UK's Unstuck campaign to ban the public sale of cruel rodent glue traps. . More
03 February 2016
Pest controllers alerted to end of routine permanent rat baiting around rural buildings
Except as a justifiable last resort against clear long-term threats to human or animal health, the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime now rules out permanent rodenticide baiting around the outside of rural buildings.. More
16 February 2016
Southampton’s MX Wholesale withdraws rodent glue traps following HSI-UK’s Unstuck Campaign, sets industry example
Southampton-based MX Wholesale, the UK's No.1 cash and carry wholesaler, has been praised by animal welfare campaigners Humane Society International/UK for withdrawing from sale rodent glue traps.. More
09 May 2016
Rodenticide stewardship standard label text confirmed by HSE
Three legally binding rodenticide label phrases have been confirmed by HSE to the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime.. More
09 May 2016
Two new backers brings CRRU UK roster to 17
The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) has two new members contributing financially and providing expertise to the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime. . More
18 May 2016
HSE launches searchable database of UK approved rodenticides
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have announced that over 250 rodenticide products have been authorised for use under the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime.. More
14 July 2016
CRRU Ireland gets tenth sponsor
The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use Ireland (CRRU Ireland) has been strengthened by the addition of a tenth sponsor member - Pied Piper Chemicals Limited of Ballinure, Thurles.. More
15 July 2016
Bayer explain new rules on Rodenticides
Farmers and growers using anticoagulant rodenticide products in their operations need to be trained and certified as competent in their use under new rules, which start to be phased in from April this year.. More
12 September 2016
No certification, no sale of rodenticides from 1 October
From 1 October farmers, gamekeepers, pest controllers and their employees buying professional rodenticide packs for use outdoors will need to show either an approved certificate of competence or document confirming membership of an approved farm a.... More
10 November 2016
Rare seabird population triples on Scilly Isles thanks to investment in rodent control
A three-year rodent control project, backed by Prince Charles, has successfully resulted in the number of nesting Manx shearwaters to increase dramatically. . More
25 November 2016
Tenth assurance scheme gets rodenticide stewardship approval
Laid in Britain, an assurance scheme for hen's eggs, has been approved by the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime as proof of competence for the purchase of professional use rodenticides. . More
28 November 2016
Rats menace threatens Christmas spirit
Homeowners are being urged to be on their guard as cold weather threatens to spark a plague of rats over Christmas.. More
16 February 2017
The first ever UK Rodenticide Stewardship annual report has been published
The first ever UK Rodenticide Stewardship annual report has been published and marks "the end of the beginning", according to Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) chairman Dr Alan Buckle.. More
27 January 2017
Revised glueboard code launched
Last month saw the re-launch of the Pest Management Alliance Code of Best Practice for the Humane Use of Rodent Glueboards. The Code has been revisited by BPCA and its fellow Alliance members, plus Natural England and DEFRA.. More
27 January 2017
Asked to supply rodenticides? Beware!
Just as in the past you may have been asked to buy cigarettes or alcohol for someone younger who has “forgotten their ID”, some pest controllers are reporting they are being asked to supply professional use rodenticides to their customers.. More