20 January 2022
Glue Traps (Offences) Bill passes committee stage without amendment
On Wednesday, 19 January, a committee of MPs gathered to scrutinise the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill line-by-line.
Although two hours were scheduled for the meeting, it took only 45 minutes for MPs to decide to pass the.... More
20 December 2021
Daera issue amended interim general licences pending consultation
Daera is currently actively considering the Northern Ireland general licences process.
A previous public consultation on this matter was withdrawn on 29 July 2021 due to “a technical error”, but it is anticipated that a more com.... More
08 November 2021
Glue boards in England will be licenced rather than banned completely
If the proposed Glue Traps (Offences) Bill becomes law, their use will be licenced rather than completely banned.
UPDATE: The Bill (as introduced) has now been published and is available to read on the .... More
28 October 2021
False Black Widow sightings on the rise
A seasonal spike in sightings of False Black Widow spiders is likely to be caused by males in search of a mate, a national trade body has said.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA), is urging people to avoid.... More
02 September 2021
Six signs fleas have moved into your home
Pest experts at a national trade body are urging householders to watch out for the six signs of fleas.
The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is advising householders to take action quickly if they suspect flea.... More
04 August 2021
Choose professionals to protect wild birds, says trade body
Bird deterrents used on buildings, such as spikes and netting, must be installed by a professional to protect both wild birds and property, a national trade body has said.
British Pest Control Association (BPCA), is.... More
17 June 2021
UK government confirms plans to ban rodent glue boards completely
The UK government has issued details on the Glue Traps (Offences) Bill to crack down on “inhumane rodent traps”.
In a government press release it states:
“Glue traps are a widely available and cheap method of pe.... More
12 May 2021
Defra look to restrict glue traps for pest control in action plan for Animal Welfare
Today (12 May), the government has published an action plan for animal welfare which includes the promise to support legislation to restrict the use of glue traps.
The Action Plan for Animal Welfare was launched today by Environment S.... More
01 April 2021
Almost half of feral pigeons carry infectious disease, BPCA warns
Up to 49 per cent of feral pigeons could carry an infectious disease that can be passed to humans, a trade body has warned.
British Pest Control Association (BPCA), has issued an online guide to tackling proble.... More
31 March 2021
Postponement of approval expiry dates for renewals of 8 active substances
HSE has agreed a postponement of the approval expiry dates for eight active substances which were due to lapse within the next six months.
Under the GB Biocidal Products Regulation, where for reasons beyond the control of the applican.... More
01 March 2021
Brown marmorated stink bug spotted in UK for first time
This week the Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) has been officially reported as present and active in the UK, prompting calls for pest controllers to keep an eye out and report any sightings.
The bug is an insect .... More
03 February 2021
COVID-19: A great time to help Britain's bees
BPCA member PGH Beegone says the UK's bee population has been given a fighting chance as a result of lockdowns and reduced travel this last year.
Wildflowers on road verges have been left to grow and a reductio.... More
30 November 2020
BPCA calls for rodent control as part of Avian flu measures
A national trade body is calling on poultry farmers and other bird keepers to step up rat and mouse management as part of measures to halt the spread of Avian flu.
An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) was decla.... More
26 November 2020
Survey shows dust formulations preferred by pest controllers
Tim Peeling, product manager at BPCA member Bayer, takes a look at the findings of their summer wasp study.
The loss of actives and increased label restrictions continues to affect pest contr.... More
09 November 2020
BPCA warns of second spike in rodent activity
Householders and businesses should be on the look-out for signs of an infestation as rats and mice head indoors for winter.
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) warned people to remain vigilant as new Covid.... More
09 November 2020
Defra publishes 2021 general licences for wild bird control
Today (9 November 2020), Defra has published three new general licences for wild bird control which will come into effect in England on 1 January 2021.
The licences published are:
Conservation licence GL40 (currently GL34) Read &.... More
04 November 2020
Check for clusters of cockroaches as heating goes on this autumn
Heating ducts and pipes can be prime spots for cockroaches as the heating goes on in the autumn, a national trade body has warned.
British Pest Control Association (BPCA) has issued a guide with advice on preventing.... More
20 October 2020
Surprise resistance surveillance results prompt wake-up call
The spread of rats against which some rodenticides don't work has taken a "surprising and troubling" turn, according to Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use chairman Dr Alan Buckle.
New 2019-2020 survey results show not.... More
14 October 2020
Pest Advice for controlling Cockroaches
Got some uninvited dinner guests? Is the back of your fridge home to a colony of creepy crawlies? If you find your building crawling with cockroaches, you’re in the right place.
Discovering there are cockroaches in your home or busine.... More
07 October 2020
BPCA launches new digital event PestExtra as PestEx postponed until 2022
British Pest Control Association is launching a brand new digital event following the tough decision to postpone PestEx 2021.
Given the most recent government guidance surrounding events, BPCA has made the difficult but necessar.... More
30 September 2020
Take steps now to stop squirrels entering your home
SQUIRRELS on the hunt for food during the autumn months can become a ‘destructive’ pest if they get into homes and businesses.
We're urging people to take preventative measures to stop squirrels getting into your roof.... More
10 September 2020
SURVEY: Help us change licences for gull control in 2021 and beyond
After a challenging year for gull control in England, BPCA is asking the pest management community to help us make the process for getting a licence better.
BPCA has the opportunity to positively influence Natural England regarding wha.... More
28 August 2020
NEW customisable pest advice leaflets for members
A range of pest advice leaflets are now available for members to download, customise and print on the BPCA PrintShop (login required).
Our pest advice leaflets are a great tool for you to use when explaining the i.... More
06 August 2020
Rodenticide resistance survey appeal to farmers
Rats resistant to rodenticides are breeding in the UK and more information from farmers is needed to reduce their numbers.
A new survey will compile data to establish the extent to which resistance is understood and what methods farmer.... More
04 August 2020
Caught out in the countryside: Practical rabbit management:
TECHNICAL | PPC100 August 2020
Following on from his popular outdoor demonstration at PPC Live 2020 in Harrogate, this is the first in a two-part series of articles from Dave Archer, rural pest management expert. In this article, Dave.... More
04 August 2020
Invasive pest fears for British Museum due to Covid-19 lockdown
Priceless exhibits risk being damaged by invasive insects, due to an absence of visitors during lockdown, the British Museum has warned.
Experts at the museum have warned that the lack of tourists visiting the institution du.... More
24 July 2020
Free rodenticide resistance testing service resumes: Appeal to pest controllers for samples
Free DNA testing for rodenticide resistance in rats and mice has resumed with the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use.
Chairman Dr Alan Buckle calls for tail samples of freshly killed rats and mice from pest controllers, farmers.... More
09 July 2020
BPCA helps put auditors straight on insecticide usage requirements for public health pest management
BPCA has had reports of auditors asking pest professionals for Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training certificates.
The use of insecticides for public health pests does not require the user to have Pa1 Pa6 pesticide training and therefore a NRoSO.... More
26 June 2020
Identify the differences between wasps, hornets, bees and more
Not everything that buzzes is a pest!
Everything that buzzes around your garden is potentially a pollinator. These fascinating insects are incredibly useful; not just in the garden, but also in agriculture, with many crops dependent on poll.... More
24 June 2020
New stored products insects and fly management courses added to BPCA online classroom
BPCA has announced two new taught online classroom courses. Led by industry experts, the new courses are delivered via live presentations over Zoom.
Stored Product Insects (SPIs) in Food Environments and Flies and their control join t.... More
19 June 2020
VIDEO: Professional wasps and bees: biology, behaviour and control
In this video, Natalie discusses how understanding the biology and behaviours of wasps, hornets and bees can help to identify the most effective method of control
This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.
.... More
19 June 2020
Six general licences re-issued by Defra for the control of wild birds
Defra has announced that six general licences for the control of wild birds will be reissued on a temporary basis ahead of new licences coming into force on 1 January 2021.
The current licences GL26, GL28, GL31, GL34, G.... More
26 May 2020
Coronavirus and bed bugs: how hotels can protect guests after lockdown
New BPCA member Spotta says that the damage from Covid-19 to hotels may not be over once the Government greenlights a return to travel.
Dormant bed bugs will live around a year without feeding, waiting for hotel guests to return..... More
20 May 2020
BPCA launches new online course for pest identification
BPCA is delivering more specialist pest control training via its new virtual classroom. Principles of Pest Identification will premiere live on the 18 June 2020 between 10am and 4pm.
Principles of Pest Identification joins Unders.... More
15 May 2020
VIDEO: Ant control for pest professionals
In this video, Natalie discusses how to identify sources of ant infestations and methods of control available to pest technicians.
This video is intended for those working in the pest management sector.
Information correct at the time.... More
01 May 2020
Pest controller to feature in Top Trumps deck of UK essential workers
A brand new edition of Top Trumps is honouring Covid 19 key workers.
Pest controllers will feature alongside doctors, nurses, sea merchants, journalists and partners of key workers in the new deck.
One of the fo.... More
30 April 2020
Challenge or chore? An introduction to insect ID
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
In this article Clive Boase, Principal Consultant at The Pest Management Consultancy explains the importance of correct insect identification and how you can make a start on learning the basics.
.... More
30 April 2020
Floods! Work study and opportunities for pest professionals
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
Back in January and February much of the UK was underwater. Homes, businesses and public spaces were flooded, bringing with them a wave of pest-related issues.
BPCA member, Killgerm, has produced a hand.... More
30 April 2020
Friendwatch: Water voles
Technical | PPC99 May 2020
The water vole population in the UK has fallen dramatically since the 1960s, from around eight million to the most recent estimate, from the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, of 875,000.
.... More
28 April 2020
SURVEY: Bayer on wasp control
BPCA member Bayer are looking for pest management professionals to complete their survey on wasp control.
Wasp season is upon us, as the queens have begun 'waking' and seeking out spots to build their nests.
Soon, pes.... More
22 April 2020
Natural England: Update on individual licences for the control of gulls
Natural England has issued an update ahead of issuing individual bird control licences this month, with suggestions that the number of applications exceeds the level of lethal control allowed while still maintaining conservation of these sp.... More
15 April 2020
New cost-benefit analysis of postponing pest control services template available for BPCA members
BPCA has released a letter template for pest management companies to help explain the importance of continuing ongoing site protection during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The letter includes the pros and cons of suspending proactive (routine) pes.... More
08 April 2020
BPCA gives Gove 141 reasons pest management needs to be considered essential during Covid-19
BPCA has replied to the Minister for the Cabinet Office Michael Gove's letter on pest management professionals being key workers.
While the states pest management employees can continue to go to work, he did not agree to add pest.... More
06 April 2020
Pest professionals: continue to go to work if it's safe, says Gove to BPCA
Today (6 April 2020), the UK Government confirmed that pest management professionals can continue to go to work when it's safe to do so.
BPCA wrote to Government ministers, asking for pest management professionals to be considered ess.... More
01 April 2020
13 resources for pest professionals during Covid-19 pandemic
BPCA has released 13 resources for operating essential services during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Some of these resources are free for everyone, while others are for BPCA members only.
The resources available are:
NEW Client information.... More
01 April 2020
Natural England: updates on licences for bird and stoat control
Natural England (NE) is continuing to receive large numbers of applications for individual licences for gulls and other bird species.
On 30 January Natural England released details of changes to the individual licences for the control.... More
31 March 2020
BPCA adds toolbox talk resources for members
BPCA has added new CPD resources for member companies who want to deliver high-quality, in-house CPD for their employees.
The new section on the website currently includes:
A blank toolbox talk template with guidance&n.... More
31 March 2020
Keeping pests at bay in Covid-19 pandemic
HOUSEHOLDERS are being urged to be vigilant to pest infestation during the Covid-19 crisis.
The move comes as some local authorities struggle to maintain refuse collection services.
National trade body, the British Pest Control A.... More
27 March 2020
Scottish general licence changes coming
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has announced that the new general licence will, from 1 April, only cover two species – Canada Goose and feral pigeon.
All wild birds, their eggs and nests are protected by law.
General.... More
25 March 2020
Pelgar warns of increase in pests during lockdown
Pest control is already on the front line of public health around the world; given the situation we now find ourselves in it could prove even more essential.
Animals are always quick to adapt and, as a result, BPCA member P.... More