Technical pest management news

News about UK pest species for the pest control sector. Get the latest updates about rodents, insect and avian pests from Professional Pest Controller (PPC) magazine and the British Pest Control Association (BPCA). Got a story that needs to be shared with the pest management community?

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  • 25 March 2020

    Pest control critical to sustain public health during Covid-19 crisis

    PRESS RELEASE 25 March 2020 The British Pest Control Association (BPCA) is calling for urgent action to ensure pest control management can continue to be administered in the Covid-19 pandemic. According to BPCA, the activity remains a.... More

  • 25 March 2020

    BPCA key worker lobbying on BBC radio

    BPCA got a big mention on BBC Radio yesterday, when hosts spoke to a caller about pest management during the Covid-19 lockdown.  The whole section is a phone-in segment and listeners are discussing whether pest control can c.... More

  • 17 March 2020

    Tetramethrin classification changes

    Tetramethrin, the active ingredient in some insecticidal products, has been classified as a category 2 carcinogen. This will impact formulated products in which the level of tetramethrin is equal to or greater than 1%. Such produ.... More

  • 13 March 2020

    How to apply for gull licence as deadline approaches

    BPCA is advising all members that they should apply for their individual licences for gull control in good time for breeding season. On 30 January Natural England released details of changes to the individual licences f.... More

  • 12 March 2020

    Pest photograph competition winner announced

    BPCA were pleased to announce the winner of the #BestPestPic2020 competition at PPC Live in Harrogate this week. Mark Horrocks, a pest management technician from Gloucestershire, won the Association’s competition to find th.... More

  • 06 March 2020

    Rodenticide regime calls for no exceptions, bad apples or excuses

    For the regime to be a success, "conscientious compliance" with stewardship principles by all rodenticide users is essential, according to Dr Alan Buckle, chairman of the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use, which co-ordinates the regime. .... More

  • 05 March 2020

    Scotland: three new general licences announced

    Following a review of the general licensing system, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has released three new general licences for bird control, to come into force from 1 April 2020. What's changed?  From 1 April 2020 there ar.... More

  • 04 March 2020

    CRRU study appeals for tail tip samples

    An appeal for pest control technicians, farmers and gamekeepers to collect tail samples from freshly killed rats and mice has been issued by the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU). In the past two years, new hotspots of r.... More

  • 03 March 2020

    #BestPestPic2020 shortlist announced!

     The shortlist for the #BestPestPic2020 competition has been announced! There were an incredible amount of entries and our first set of judges found it so difficult to choose between them all.  As a result the shortlist.... More

  • 28 February 2020

    Storms will drive pests into homes says PelGar

    BPCA member PelGar says that the back-to-back battering of the UK by storm fronts and widespread flooding is likely to drive pests into human areas. The storms will also have negative effects on other non-pest species of Bri.... More

  • 26 February 2020

    Spring Queening: On the trail of Asian hornets in Guernsey

    Pest control | PPC98 March 2020 Elliott Rose-King, from BPCA Consultant Member Bounty Consultancy Services, talks to PPC about a recent fact-finding visit to The Agriculture, Countryside and Landscape Management Services (ACLMS) tea.... More

  • 26 February 2020

    PestWatch: What’s ticking off your dog?

    Technical feature | PPC98 March 2020 Dee Ward-Thompson investigates a type of tick you might not have come across yet but is slowly becoming more prevalent in the UK. At the end of last year, I went along to the Leve.... More

  • 13 February 2020

    GENERAL LICENCES: six licences reissued for control of wild birds

    Defra has announced that six general licences for the control of wild birds in England will be reissued on a temporary basis ahead of new licences coming into force on 1 August 2020. Following a legal challenge by Wild Justi.... More

  • 06 February 2020

    BIG BIRD WRAP-UP: General and individual licences for bird control in the UK

    Since April 2019, we’ve had many updates on general licences for bird control in the UK. This quick view page will give you all the headline information and latest updates on general and individual licences in England, Northern Ireland, S.... More

  • 30 January 2020

    FAQ: Lesser black-backed and herring gull licensing

    An FAQ regarding the Lesser Black-Backed Gull and Herring Gull bird control licensing changes. Why are there changes to the number of gulls that can be controlled? Herring gull and lesser black-backed gull have been excluded from the.... More

  • 30 January 2020

    Natural England releases details of new bird control licensing arrangements for herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls

    Natural England has today [Thursday 30 January] set out changes to licences for the lethal control of herring gulls and lesser black-backed gulls in England. Owing to their poor conservation status, herring gulls and lesser black.... More

  • 29 January 2020

    New licences for Lesser black-backed and Herring gull released tomorrow – England

    Natural England (NE) has confirmed that new bird licences for the control of the Lesser black-backed gull and Herring gulls will be released tomorrow (30 January 2020). This is a breaking story, and BPCA will publish more details as they co.... More

  • 28 January 2020

    PestAware: Tips for attracting red squirrels

    Red squirrels are native to the UK but, sadly, their numbers have been in decline since the early 20th century. Here, Millbry Hill's Kathryn Eccles gives her top tips for encouraging more red squirrels into your garden. It'.... More

  • 08 January 2020

    Are we going to lose more insecticides in 2020?

    With several prominent changes to insecticides in 2019, BPCA's been asked what the future of insecticides will look like. While nothing is certain, we've tried to clarify what's going on. As with rodenticides, all insecticides ar.... More

  • 07 January 2020

    Pest advice for controlling Mice

    Can you hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps behind the skirting? Does Tom keep bringing Jerry in from the garden? Mice are a part of British wildlife - but when they take up residence with you, they can be a cause for concern. Act.... More

  • 07 January 2020

    Human hair behind pigeon deformity

    Pigeons with missing toes is a fairly common phenomenon in European cities like Paris and London. But what's the cause?  A team of scientists from France’s National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and the Univers.... More

  • 11 December 2019

    Ficam W to be withdrawn from the market

    BPCA member Bayer has announced that Ficam W is to be removed from the market, following a vote from the EU Biocide commission. Alan Morris, Bayer head of environmental science, explains that the industry can expec.... More

  • 03 December 2019

    VIDEO: Bed bug control for pest professionals

    Watch back our webinar on professional bed bug control. In this first of a 2-part series, Natalie talks biology, lifecycles, public health and prevention. The one hour video covers five main topics: Bed bug identification Bed bug biol.... More

  • 09 October 2019

    Rat lungworm’s sluggish journey to Europe

    Scientists are looking into the spread of rat lungworm to several popular European holiday destinations. First noted in China in the 1930s, rat lungworm is widespread in Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. However, in the last.... More

  • 13 September 2019

    CONSULTATION: Wild birds general licence survey launched by Defra

    Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers has launched a public survey as part of a planned review of general licences to manage wild birds in England. Defra is leading this review in close partnership with Natural England. Take the.... More

  • 23 August 2019

    Flying insects in hospitals carry 'superbug' germs

    Health and safety | PPC96 August 2019 More than 50% of bacteria recovered from flying insects in a group of English hospitals were resistant to one or more antibiotics, posing a potential infection risk to patients, according to a.... More

  • 23 August 2019

    Ask the technical team August 2019

    Technical | PPC96 August 2019 Our technical team tackle bee nests, reporting and delusional parasitosis in this issue. When you’re a BPCA member you can get technical support whenever you need it via our experienced tec.... More

  • 23 August 2019

    A birds-eye view of general licences

    Legislation| PPC96 August 2019 Since April this year, it’s been all hands on deck in the pest management world, getting to grips with changes in bird control licences and the way we manage pest birds. Now that we have s.... More

  • 23 August 2019

    INFOGRAPHIC: General licence decision tree 2019

    Legislation | PPC96 August 2019 Need a hand figuring out whether you're covered by the new general licences or if you need to apply for an individual licence? Take a look at our infographic.  . More

  • 23 August 2019

    Best practice or Balderdash?

    Best practice| PPC96 August 2019 You don’t need a contract for a wasps nest… or do you? While our tools and technology over the years have evolved and adapted, our practices haven’t necessarily changed at the sa.... More

  • 23 August 2019

    Developments in mosquito management

    Technical| PPC96 August 2019 Traditionally mosquitoes have been treated with pesticides and insect growth regulators by pest controllers, but scientists have been looking at how we can fundamentally change our foe to make them less of.... More

  • 22 August 2019

    Proactive bee management experiments

    Your association | PPC96 August 2019 It can’t be said enough - we love bees. Nobody would choose to treat bees and so as pest management professionals we should all be looking at ways to minimise the public health risks of bee in.... More

  • 22 July 2019

    VIDEO: Risk management assessments for pest management professionals

    A health and safety risk assessment considers the hazards present in a task or activity. RAs looks at the likelihood of harm that might occur and the severity of that harm.  In this 1 hour webinar, Technical Officer Natalie Bungay.... More

  • 09 July 2019

    Asian hornet sighting confirmed in south Hampshire

    Last Wednesday the National Bee Unit confirmed a sighting of an individual, female Asian hornet in New Milton, Hampshire, after it was reported by a member of the public.    The first confirmed sighting in the UK since O.... More

  • 02 July 2019

    Monty Python actor warns of Deathwatch Beetle threat to UK churches

    British comedian and documentary filmmaker Michael Palin is supporting the future of the UK’s historic churches and chapels with a voiceover for a new animated film. The 80 second animation, produced for the National Church.... More

  • 28 June 2019

    'Watch out for wasps' says BPCA member Bayer

    Signs of a second bumper wasp season in as many years are being seen across the country and BPCA member Bayer suggests the mild winter is to blame. In a press release published this week, Bayer national account and technical.... More

  • 27 June 2019

    VIDEO: General licences for bird control; update and next steps

    An update on the current (June 2019) bird general licence situation in England. This webinar will have the most current advice for pest controllers who lethally control pest bird species. During the webinar, we looked at the benefits of thi.... More

  • 13 June 2019

    Defra release three new general licences for bird control

    Three new general licences for the killing or taking of wild birds in England will be issued at 00:01 on Friday 14 June, says Defra.  The recent call for evidence demonstrated a range of impacts that individuals and groups experi.... More

  • 06 June 2019

    Bee removal and Glis glis added to Find a pest controller tool

    The ever-popular BPCA Find a pest controller tool now includes options for ethical bee removal and Glis glis treatments. BPCA member companies that offer bee removal (rather than insecticide treatments) or specialist Gli.... More

  • 04 June 2019

    BPCA marks World Pest Day 2019 with message to local authorities

    Today is World Pest Day and to celebrate we’re launching a targeted campaign to local authorities. We’re urging councils across the UK to put pest management firmly on their radar, highlighting the threat to society and the knoc.... More

  • 29 May 2019

    New general licences grind to a stop after Defra take over control from Natural England

    New general licences for bird control, such as the all-important feral pigeon and gull control for the purpose of public health, are to be delayed. BPCA has confirmed that new licenses will not be published according to Natural England&rsqu.... More

  • 29 May 2019

    Updated advice on interim measures for bird control after new licences delayed

    BPCA had originally advised members that if they could wait for the appropriate general licence to be released, they should. However, now it seems we could be experiencing a longer wait, we’re advising that anyone who needs to co.... More

  • 28 May 2019

    Creating excellence in cockroach baiting programmes

    Pest control | PPC95 May 2019 Steve Broadbent from Ensystex is back in PPC for part two of his cockroach article. Steve’s talk went down a storm at PestEx 2019 with some people calling it the best seminar they’ve ever.... More

  • 28 May 2019

    Wax moths: communal pupal chambers and inquilines

    Pest control | PPC95 May 2019 BPCA Consultant member John Lloyd of Independent Pest Management and Insect Consultancy is back in PPC, giving us advice on how to spot and treat for these rare pests. Signs of Aphomia sociella.... More

  • 28 May 2019

    Pest controller and customer relationships in flea treatments

    Pest control | PPC95 May 2019 Richard Moseley, National Account and Technical Manager of Bayer CropScience investigates what a pest management professional can do to foster a strong customer relationship. Now is a key period.... More

  • 22 May 2019

    VIDEO: Direct bait application in burrows available to watch now

    Watch back our webinar on direct bait application in burrows presented by BPCA Field Officer, Natalie Bungay. Burrow baiting is a technique used by professional pest controllers to reduce/eliminate neophobia to bait containers when controllin.... More

  • 21 May 2019

    Ask the technical team May 2019

    Technical | PPC95 May 2019 Rodenticide confusion, open trays, resistance searches and invasive hornet questions are all in the BPCA Technical team inbox this issue. When you’re a BPCA member you can get technical suppor.... More

  • 14 May 2019

    Open letter to Secretary of State regarding call for evidence: Bird control licences

    BPCA has written to Secretary of State Gove in regards to Defra's call for evidence on the impact of the revoking of three general licences for bird control. The letter is published in full here. You can download the letter as a PDF here.... More

  • 08 May 2019

    BPCA prepares to gather evidence for Defra on general licences

    Defra has initiated a formal evidence gathering exercise to capture information from all concerned parties about the impact of the recent withdrawal of three general licences for bird control. BPCA is collecting the evidence of me.... More

  • 08 May 2019

    New general licences for controlling Canada geese and wood pigeon comes into force

    On Friday 3 May Natural England published two new general licences for controlling birds. The licences, which allows people to kill or take Canada geese to preserve public health and safety and wood pigeon for preventing serious damage to c.... More